I’ve been busy this week. Monday started with me going to our county court house to serve in jury duty. The judge excused me, for which I was thankful to the Lord as it would be difficult for me to serve at this time.
Then, my child joined the try-out session for their school’s tennis so we’re hoping and praying that he would be selected. But only if the Lord wills that for him. He told me the other morning that whether he would be selected or not, it would be okay for him. Because he knows that the Lord’s direction would prevail in everything that he does. Glory to God for His wisdom!
So, day to day, I would wait for him until the training is over late in the afternoon, while I’ve been running errands in a fast pace the entire morning. Yesterday, I checked the pantry and noted that our bread supply was running low. So, off to the grocery store I went and bought some.
As I was waking up early this morning [or maybe I should have said, “as the Lord was waking me up this morning…”], the Lord’s prayer was playing in my mind:
“Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven…” This part stuck out to my brain receptors the most:
“Give us our DAILY BREAD”…
As I did my devotion this early morning, I know most of you already know what it means to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. But He is inviting us everyday to eat the “DAILY BREAD”. Jesus did not come to introduce a new religion. He came to tell about God’s love for mankind. That is you and me! He wants us to eat.
Jesus said again, “I assure you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you. But those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them at the last day. For my flesh is the true food, and my blood is the true drink. All who eat my flesh and drink my blood remain in me, and I in them. I live by the power of the living Father who sent bread from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever and not die as your ancestors did, even though they ate the manna.” [John 6:53-58].
Yes, Jesus has been inviting us to eat the living bread. It means accepting Christ into our lives and to become united with him. We are united by believing in his death [the sacrifice of his flesh] and resurrection. And also by devoting ourselves to living as he requires. It depends on the teaching of the Holy Spirit and trusting Him for His power. How do we know what He wants? Get a daily dose by reading His Word [Bible]. "I have not gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured up the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." -Job 23:12 [ASV]
Jesus’ life has to become our own. So stop eating the physical bread. “Give us our daily bread, O Lord”…And He did…He gave mankind the spiritual bread from heaven that satisfies completely and leads to eternal life.
Wow! And my eyebrows were perhaps arched high as I looked at the prices of the bread now in the bread aisle…Expensive! For a day’s worth of being sustained with energy for just a day or few days. Compared to the heavenly bread which is for FREE and its sustenance lasts eternally.
Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again. Those who believe in me will never thirst.” [John 6:35].
Jesus wants you [us] to eat!
On a personal note, I want to thank you all who come here and leave your footprints. I just want to let you know that I appreciate and read everything you had written down and I'm keeping them so sometimes, when I need encouragement, I go back and read them again. It's great to see you bro. Ike and Keystone who both have great godly wisdom to share! And so, most of you do, too. All my praise and thanks to the One Who makes this blogging possible! To God be the glory forever and ever. In all ages to come. I pray for the Lord to bless you all and continue to mold our hearts into His likeness. Daily. Please feel free to leave a comment. Because we become a blessing to each other. When I don't reply, just know, I do pay attention to each of the wisdom you all have to share. It's awesome! Love to you all in Christ.
Oh Rosel...your teaching gift is such a blessing and I just love how the Lord shares each and every day what it is that HE wants you to share with us! You walk in your anointing each and every day here with us in this blog world and I for one am sooo very thankful for you, your gift and mostly for the ONE who joins us together and gives us HIS bread of life that sustains, heals, saves, teaches, and brings hope and sooo much more!
ReplyDeleteLove you my friend sooo very much! sending hugs to you
I haven't visited in a few weeks. You header fits so perfectly, Rosel.
ReplyDeletePraising Him for your words today, so filled with The Spirit in each line. Amen?!!
Love to you, dear sister.
AMEN...Rosel, you always bless me with "meat and potatoes" when I come here and I thank you!
ReplyDeletePlease pray: I posted a link last night to an interview at Divinely Designed with Sarah. She has a powerful testimony and the enemy has tried everything to keep it from being posted. After lots of obstacles with the interview (btwn Sarah and Mary) my link was NOT working. I now have it fixed and I am even more determined to help direct others there. She has a powerful message and I know there are many hurting people who need to hear it. Please pray GOD will thwart the enemies plans and direct all those who need her message to this interview!
Love, hugs, blessings, and prayers, andrea
Getting fed is exactly what I get when I come here. Thank you Rosel, for always keeping your 'table' supplied with the Bread of Life!
ReplyDeleteI am soo glad that I am following your blog more closely now as you always bless me so much with your wisdom and willings to share your heart. All of this is soo true, though I will admit I did read that title and smile and wonder, haha. Have a wonderful day. Blessings to you, Debbie
ReplyDeleteOh, BTW, I think it is wonderful that your son has the attitude he does about the tennis team. So much wisdom for such a young man..
Is it redundant to say (again) how I enjoy your posts? ;)
ReplyDeleteI feel so blessed by blogging. These are people I would never have met in real life. Nice thing is that many are my family in Christ that I will meet eventually in our heavenly home.
Like everyone else, I come read your posts because God blesses my heart and life through them.
ReplyDeleteIt's cool to read here how your son is so submitted to God's will in his life.
I'm grateful that God lets me eat of Him, that He is my sustenance, my all in all.
ReplyDeleteMatthew 4:4 (King James Version)
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
God bless you and keep up the good work for Jesus, Ron
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. IKE and I tend to banter back and forth, so I am glad you are getting something out of it.
I save all comments for review as needed too.
I encourage you to pray for IKE.
You have zeroed in on a truth I began with FIRST, as I taught my children.
The Nativity set is always up first for Christmas, then the tree.
Eventually, Christmas must end and winter sets in, so my tree was usually taken down at the end of January or by Valentine's, with nearly all needles nestled in the carpet.
Karli was 2 and I asked her to take Jesus out of the manger and put Him in the bread drawer (second from the bottom of the floor so she could reach it). I explained that the entire world puts the Nativity set away until next Christmas, but Jesus is with us all the time. He does not get put away.
"Why the bread drawer dad?"
"Because Jesus is the Bread of Life. Each day you go to get bread in that drawer, you will be reminded of Jesus".
[I explained to her that Jesus began ministry by fasting 40 days in the desert. When he was starving and weak, Satan popped by to tempt Him and turn stones to bread. But Jesus would not do it and obey Satan. He told Satan that man does not live on bread alone, but on every word of the Father. We need to do that!]
Months later, my sister dropped her daughter off to play with mine. Lunchtime came and the girls wanted P&J sandwiches. I do not cater; the kids always help make anything we eat, all meals.
Cousin Donna went to get the bread, while Karli got the P&J. Donna pulled the loaf and yelled aloud:
"HEY! There's a baby doll in here!".
Karli was quick to reply:
"THAT'S not a baby doll....THAT"S the Bread of Life!". And she proceeded to give a sermon that made me smile and beam at her lesson on the Bread of Life.
The Nativity was set up each Christmas first.
The manger was empty.
But on Christmas morning, before a single gift under the tree was opened, one of the girls would go to the bread drawer and retrieve the Bread of Life, and place him in the manger crib. He was now part of our Christmas celebration, and would remain there each year until we took things down. Then, He was back in the bread drawer in the kitchen, to remind us he is Bread of Life always.
In a DBase class I took to update computer skills, we were required to create a functional database of useful information.
I entered the Sunday paper prices for all groceries (weekly)and all prices for all items at all stores. The database was programmed to tell me the best price and which store to shop each week.
My project was titled: "Our Daily Bread" and the nonChristian prof loved it.
"Drink my blood and eat my flesh" was hard sayings by Christ and many left. This is a key separation for Catholics and Protestants too. Catholics believe in transubstantiation, a literal change of wine and bread to flesh and blood of Christ.....eaten each Mass.
Protestants see communion as a symbolic recall of the Last Supper, not a manifestation of body and blood. Believe either, but make sure you have communion.
"The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me."
In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me."
For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."
~~~ 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.
I like to think of Manna in the desert as a Catholic wafer bread, and the miracle of loaves and fishes as a Protestant bread.
The key is to eat and drink, but be nourished eternally by the Word of God....you know,...the Word was made ...flesh.
Sit at the table of life and eat the Word.
I love you, Rosel, for stopping by and encouraging me. I haven't been on line. I'm in San Diego (long story) but I'll tell you, God is right in the midst of everything and I praise Him for this challenge. I guess things have to get worse before they get better. So any encouragement to us means so much. We can feel your prayers and God's Word is alive and ministering life as only He can. Blessings to you, my sister and your wonderful family. I'm returning home this Sunday to my home and laptop and, hopefully, the blogging world!
ReplyDeleteIt is Jesus Christ to whom you must come because it is in Him alone that you may believe and eat and drink of a food that gives satisfaction for eternity. And that food indeed is Christ Himself. Isn't that a beautiful thought that Christ not only gives the bread, He is the bread? He said the same thing about life. He said, "I came to give life," and then He turned around and said, "I am life." He said, "I came to give you water," and then He turned around and said, "I am that water."
ReplyDeleteYou want to know something? Everything that Christ gives...watch this...He is. You know that? He said, "I came to bring peace," and He is peace. He said, "I came to bring love," and He is love. Everything He brings He is, so when you have Him, you have everything. Soul satisfaction!!
I learn so much from you sis, thanks for sharing your heart. I love you.
ReplyDeleteRosel, What a blessing it is to read your inspiring posts. To take your time to prepare for all of us. I love you and your comments that you take the time to leave me.
ReplyDeleteI Thank You Dear Sister for your friendship, support and prayers. God Bless. Love you,
Amen! Great post my friend.
In His love always.
beautiful post Rosel. As I read it I thought of where Jesus was born...Bethlehem. In Hebrew it means city of bread. I love that...everything has purpose...everything has meaning with Him. Thank you for your heart...and sharing your love for God. Sarah
ReplyDeleteMy only source of living, truly living, is Him. He is the bread of Life. This was an awesome post to remind us all of that. Thank you Rosel.