The Potter's Clay

Sunday night, my son sat down to start with the book project he needs to finish for Language Arts. He finished the book report and then, he was supposed to make a doll depicting the character in his story.

Putting out his clay materials, plastic knife, aluminum foil and other things on the table, he sat down and I marvelled as the clay started taking its form. He was deeply concentrated as he pulled a wad of a particular colored clay and delicately, his hands applied it to the desired shape he wanted.

I started taking pictures. Watching him reminded me of how much love our Potter had poured in creating us after His own image. Here are the pictures:

Lord, You are our "Potter" and we are the "clay". What right do we have to question what You do? "Change our hearts, oh God, so we can be like You."

All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.


