The other two LVN’s who rushed with me when they heard the distress call over the radio, started putting the IV bag together and the other supplies we needed to start a peripheral intravenous fluid. The inmates on their individual bunk beds were slowly awakening to the soft commotion going on.
The deputy noticed him there, motionless for just a very few minutes. He said that he was not able to go to the bathroom for a few days now. Typical of those who had paraplegia as their bowel or urinary functions were affected by damaged discs or nerves on their spine. If straining, it was possible that he had suffered from vasovagal episode.
“I can’t move. I’m so dizzy!” as he slightly moaned and both of his upper arms showing some spastic movements.
Prior to responding, I briefly read his chart and I had learned that he had been a paraplegic for 36 years after a terrible motor vehicle accident. His bilateral lower legs were completely useless. He moved around using the already well-inspected wheel chair, cleared by the medical staff for his way to ambulate.
His veins were hard to locate, if there was one, it was so thin I already knew that even if I attempted, it would just blow up. But since I had already asked for an ambulance, my concern was just to aid him with his breathing as his oxygen saturation [level in blood] was slightly low at 94%. I connected the nasal cannula tubing to the oxygen tank and to both of his nostrils. I turned the dial up until it registered to the number “2” - [2liters of oxygen per minute]. He liked it and uttered it was helping him to breathe better. He was severely overweight, approximately 300 or more pounds. I asked for a C-Spine board to make it easier for the paramedics to transfer him from the bathroom’s floor to their guerney and to the hospital.
It took 4-5 deputies plus 2 paramedics to transfer him from the floor to the guerney. I gave my report and off to the hospital he went for further evaluation from the Emergency Room physicians.
Coming back from the unit, the charge nurse told me that this same inmate was known for faking “mandowns”. He used to be housed in Unit 15 where medically-sick people are often housed. Not that the inmates there get nicer treatment but there were more privileges because of their physical and mental conditions. It was hard that some inmates try their best to fake their sicknesses so they can be housed in this unit. This inmate was always out to the hospital every week it seemed.
So, the charge nurse made an arrangement with the Unit 15 Nurse to admit this inmate when he returned from the hospital. Though it was not needed for his case, it seemed to be the better choice to prevent him from faking his illnesses and causing a lot of financial cost that would just add to the already strained budget in our county’s system.
Yes, the inmates can try many ways to get what they want it seems. They manipulate the system and how they try so hard to do their best!
But that’s not how it works with our relationship with the Lord. How often do we go in our own ways and plan our own, excluding Him when things do not go the way we want them to go? How often do we insist on having our prayers answered “now” when God knows the perfect timing for everything?
God has given each of us a purpose for living and we need to trust Him to guide us. We can discover the truths He wants us to know from His Word. And as these truths work in us, God can use us in a way He can use no one else. But the question is , are you willing to follow Him? Remember, living for God is all “about Him”, not about us.
“He made everything beautiful in His time” – “Ecclesiastes 3:11
“So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life. Then your faith will produce a life of moral excellence. A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better. Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control leads to patient endurance, and patient endurance leads to godliness. Godliness leads to love for other Christians, and finally, you will grow to have genuine love for everyone.” – 2 Peter 1:5-7
“But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them are not Christians at all. – Romans 8:9