I Don't Need Luck

“Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
- Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

“Rcubes…call me back if you’re interested in coming in tonight for 12 hours or any hours you want to work…”

Our home’s answering machine picked up this message. The caller was a “fill-in Charge Nurse” who I knew well as we had also worked together for a long time. She was not aware of my battle. She was not aware of my current situation. My career smothered by evil intentions. Temporarily.

I called her back and acknowledged and thanked her. She was surprised to hear that I was put on a leave. She didn’t understand “why” when it was always short of staff. We all knew that. But I told her it was not the right time for me to say anything. She wished me “Good Luck.” I kept silent.

I didn’t need “luck”. I knew I was serving a God Who already predestined everything. Those involved and I needed to learn something through this battle.  The sad part was we were never on the same side. Luck would not help anyone. It was lack of knowledge that would destroy anyone.

They outnumbered me. I was never afraid. I had One Who could do anything for me.

They broke my trust. I was hurt at first but letting go of that hurt was easy compared to the faithfulness He had always shown to me.

They believed their own wise words. I kept silent knowing He always knew and had always weighed any person’s intentions or motives.

They put me on a “forced leave.” I thanked them, much to their amazement and they were dumbfounded with my gesture of kindness in return for their threatening schemes.

Today, God had given me another thing, well, actually, two things, to be added to my already overflowing cup of weapons. I would post it in His perfect time.

Luck…I don’t need that…I only need God. The One Who uses ordinary things and turns them into “extra-ordinary!”

All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.


