Last Saturday, sister Andrea was kind enough to share with me the “Honest Scrap” blog award. Let me tell you, coming from a very busy night shift and knowing it was so thoughtful of her to remember me was refreshing that morning.
As always, I’m always grateful to have met sister Andrea during the earliest times of my blogging. After many months had gone by, I know she’s a great friend, prayer buddy and my sister in Christ! Her writing inspires me to examine my own walk with the Lord, as her words lift me up, rouses me to hunger for the Lord, her sincere prayers that stood in agreement with mine, her poems that reflect the beauty of her heart that always seeks our dear Father in heaven…I can go on and on but I’ll let you pop over to her site to get to know her, too. Thank you sister Andrea for your friendship. I treasure it. Thank You Lord!
In accepting this award, I need to do the following:
1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2) Share "ten honest things" about myself.
3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4) Tell those 7 people that they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving it.
Ten Honest Things About Myself:
1. My oldest sibling was a girl who passed away at a young age. After her, came 5 brothers, then me. Believe me, I’m not spoiled at all.
2. My hubby came to our house to let me know that he liked me [as my mom was probably eavesdropping to our conversation]. But because I was on my way to come here to USA, I didn’t want to have a relationship [though I knew he was a great guy]. We met again here when he joined the US Navy and ended up getting married. [We’re together now for 18 years, will be 19 this year].
3. I came to know Christ sometime back in early 90’s but not until 2003, when I witnessed a spiritual battle, that I knew how truly powerful Jesus is and He is the “real deal”. I can’t let another day go by without sharing His awesome love, His truth, His grace that is available to anyone. Thank You Lord for finding a lost soul like me!
4. I love to play with my guitar. I learned it on my own [I was maybe 11 or 12 years old] when I used to watch my oldest brother pluck the strings and being awed, I was determined to learn to play it. Everything happens for a purpose. Now, I use that when I get inspired and write simple songs to worship the Lord.
5. I have met my best friend in 1996. I’m that type of person who prefers to have one or two or a few but I know that the friendship we share is honest where I can be comfortable saying, “Hey! You got broccoli stuck on your teeth or you have lipstick on your teeth” or them with me. If someone is superficial and hypocrite, I get turned off big time!
6. My father was a radio operator. I remember we had that old kind of typewriter where I had to press hard on each key to type a letter. As I kept doing so, I had learned to type faster and faster. I loved to read even then so reading took me to many places I had not gone before and learned so much about people, places, cultures, etc. When my father was sailing in the ocean, I practiced my vocabulary more and more as we traded letters. Now, I’m “blogging”…
7. My mother was an awesome cook. Sad to say, I didn’t learn it from her because she wanted me to finish my studies [It's a good thing I have 2 boys with me who always say "yummy" to whatever I cook. It pays off when I keep reminding for us to have "only encouraging words should come out of our mouths]. She would rather have me hit my books than be in the kitchen. Not that she didn’t want me to cook with her but she had a higher goal for me. She was a great dressmaker, too. She was the best, always sacrificing along with my dad for my siblings and my happiness.
8. I’m a mother to an only awesome child, my greatest gift in this world. He inspires me to be the best mother I could be.
9. Some of you know now that I used to be an Orthopedic Nurse for 10 years, hurt my neck and the Lord brought me to a correctional facility. He not only blessed me with a challenging job but the neck pain was much milder now, sometimes I don’t even feel it.
10. I love cleaning the house, doing the chores except for ironing. Though I do it, it’s the least of my favorites.
So, there you have it. Now, I want to share this blog blessing to 7 wonderful friends who are all amazing [sorry…I have more choices than that but I’ll try to stick to the rule]. May you take your time to know them as well:
Sister Toia at Designer’s Original
In all of this, to God be the glory forever and ever!!!