Lord, we are tired. We have been walking on this long journey. Sometimes, doubts come into our minds if ever we are going to reach the top and even finish this journey.
For those of us who are going through the valleys of illnesses, I ask that You bring healing, comfort and strength, Oh Lord.
For us who are walking in the valleys of confusion, bring clarity to our minds and hearts knowing that You are not God of confusion.
For those of us thirsty, help us remember Lord that You are the Living Water we need to draw refreshment from.
For those of us who are weak, help us remember that we can do everything through Christ. He is the One Who gives us the strength.
Lord, for those who are lost and just keep wandering in the valleys, please open their hearts and minds and make them realize that You have been offering Your gift of forgiveness and deliverance. That in that darkness, You are the Light.
When we don’t know where to go, remind us to cling ever nearer to Your Word. We have this map from You for You are the light unto our feet.
For those of us who are in deep needs, remind us that You are the Greatest Provider.
When we feel alone, help us feel Your faithful love and remind us about Your wonderful promises. Give us, weary travelers, the unity that comes from Your unfathomable love.
And for those of us shedding tears as we remember the loved ones we lost, help us remember that wonderful promise of eternal life for those of us who believe in Jesus. Please help us share our journeys, no matter how difficult, starting with our families, friends and others who come across our paths. Give us the boldness to share the Good News.
Thank You Lord that You are there at the top, looking down upon us. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You for giving us the encouragement when we are battered from being in the valleys for so long. Thank You for the hope that You give us that when we know You intimately, we know that valleys are just temporary places of refinement. That as we start going up toward the top, may we emerge pure, stronger and refined! I love You Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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