God Allowed IT Though They Thought They Chose The Right Thing

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“So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful things their  hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen.” – Romans 1:24-25

They claim they have God by their side. But they love to see people hurting instead of being successful or happy.

They say they understand but they are quick to take the matters into their own hands and decide the way they want it done.

They say they want to be fair but their actions show how much favor they give to one group.

They say “tell me and promise I’ll keep it to myself,” and all of a sudden, the whole world knows.

They say they believe in God but they have their own ideas of what a god should be.

They are quick to judge inmates, quick to show hate and anger, based on their outward appearance and by them knowing their charges. How do they know a “changed heart?” How do they know that behind the metal bars and the prison walls, some are enjoying true freedom?

With all the things they do, rejecting God because God doesn’t stop anyone from making wrong choices, they become prisoners to their own rebellious acts. They lose their freedom because of SINS. So, “Who’s the prisoner now?”

This was a poem God gave me at the wee hours of May 1, 2009:

Who’s The Prisoner Now?

There he was, cramped up in a tiny, dark cell
Hiding his face with hands, drops of tears fell
Tracing back the memories that put him behind these bars
Tough as he looked before, his pride now starting to melt away

Hopelessness wrapped him, there was no doubt!
Shadow of fear that lurked, not sure of what would happen
Sleepless night that had seem to begin for him
As he watched his back, while others stared and were observing him

A tiny light coming from a small window caught his eyes
It was a little glimpse of hope, to see freedom which was outside
As more tears had fallen, he felt a stab of pain or two in his heart
He bowed his head and softly whispered from his broken heart:

“Dear God in heaven, I don’t know what I have done
I thought I can do everything and I don’t need you in my life
I never believed in You, because I was busy with my own desires
I just killed someone, aside from other bad things I committed with my own hands"

"God, whether You’re there or not, I have no one to talk to, You see
I just want to say “forgive me for my sins, Jesus, I’m really, really sorry”
“Jesus, please help me, and please save me if You can hear me!”
Not sure if his plea was heard from heaven, but his worries started being lifted from his shoulder

The weary man with the orange suit like everyone else climbed up on his tiny bed
Covered himself with a brown blanket, and felt the cold on his back
Closed his eyes, puffy from all the tears shelled
He didn’t know he just received “freedom” when he repented and opened his heart to Jesus

None of our righteous works will get us to heaven
For the Bible says they're filthy as "rags"
Whether we do good or bad, it's only through Jesus
When we make our relationship right with God

God sent His only Son to be with us and Jesus paid for the price
Yes, He suffered, was nailed and died on the cross
You must believe that for our sins, He was the ultimate sacrifice
If you have no way out, approach Him with a contrite spirit and a broken heart

The prisoner's mind began to wander, oh how he longed for the good things outside
Freedom to him meant not being behind those metal bars and tiny cell for the rest of his life
But he wasn't aware of this fact: That many people enjoying their lives outside are still prisoners
And he had gained eternal life and freedom from sins through the blood of the Lamb

"Who's the prisoner now?"
RRRS 05/01/09
0500 hrs.

All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.


