I just smile every time my teenage child says "no" whenever I tell him to take some medicine that will help him for his cough. He had gotten sick last week. 5 minutes later, he would change his mind and sip the orange-flavored medicine, despite his earlier protest. Then, he was thankful because he started feeling better and he wasn't coughing as much. It was fine with me to observe him and let him make his own decisions but I told him, sometimes, "mommy knows best". And that he needed to trust me.
We are all sick, too, spiritually. Sick from all of the sins we have been carrying since we were born. But we have a spiritual Parent "Who knows best" what would help us recover...He sent His own Son, Jesus, to be the sacrifice to pay for all of our sins. His blood is what we need to sip when we learn to trust Him. He is the only One Who can save us all and restore our spiritual health. Figuratively, we drink that medicine by trusting Him first and asking for forgiveness for all of our sins, even this simple prayer will do, if you mean it with all your heart:
"Dear God in heaven, I know that I have sinned against You and ask for Your forgiveness. I do believe that Jesus Christ died as payment for my sins. I believe He rose again to prove He is able to save. I place my faith in Him alone to save me. I now receive Him as my personal Savior. From now on, help me to turn from my sin and live a life pleasing to You. I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen."
Hebrews 12:9 -"Since we respect our earthly fathers who disciplined us, should we not all the more cheerfully submit to the discipline of our heavenly Father and live forever?" [Life Application Bible].
I wrote this song on 6/14/03 to thank our heavenly Father Who loves us all unconditionally.
A Song For Father
Thank You Father for breathing me this life
It's not easy here to survive
Please let me live according to Your will
May I be like Christ in everything
Thank You Father for giving us Your Son
This life is worthless if He didn't come
Through Jesus, You and I are one
Thank You Father for Your perfect plan.
For you who happen to visit this site, I pray that the Lord will prepare your hearts to make you know His love and grace. God bless.
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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