"You must crave pure spiritual milk so that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation. Cry out for this nourishment as a baby cries for milk, now that you have had a taste of the Lord's kindness."
~ 1 Peter 2:2-3
What better time to talk with my son but every morning as we sit down and have breakfast together before him, going to school?
This morning was one of those ordinary moments. Digging his fork into the toasted flesh of his hot hashbrown, I took a sip of caffeine from my red mug and took a breath.
"Kristian, I just want you to know, that as you have more independence and learn more things, you are more than welcome to speak with me and daddy if you encounter any problems. You can approach us anytime if you need help. Or if you just want to talk."
"I know, mom," he replied as he savored the potato.
"And in any thing that you plan, please remember to pray about it and always include the Lord with your plans," I added.
"Yes, mom," he smiled as he reached for his glass of milk and was careful not to leave a white mustache.
"I love you, mom" he uttered. He got up and gave me a hug. That's a daily occurrence among us, him and I, and his daddy.
"I love you very much, Kristian," I replied.
Life is rushed. Evident with time, like sand slipping through our fingers. Evident with the years that had gone by and the once small toddler I helped was becoming more independent and grown up.
I am grateful. Everyday. To be reminded by my Father Whose Word echoes each and every morning as we feast together. Just Him and I. The reminder and assurance of His faithful love that He wants me etched in my heart. That I can approach Him anytime, anywhere when I encounter some trials, be they small or big. Or simply, just to talk.
Because each day is a reminder of how fleeting this life is. And what a waste to spend each day not choosing to hear His Word. Continuing to live sinful lives. Sins that block people's visions of God. For sins and God do not mix. He is a Holy God.
I treasure this everyday talk with my son as I treasure my daily talk with my Father. Ordinary moments? No! I don't think so anymore. As I ponder and realize that as a citizen of the heavenly Jerusalem that is to come, this fellowship with the Holy Spirit enables us to experience the Father's faithful and unfathomable love. Through Jesus, I am able to approach His throne of grace. Anytime. Anywhere. And that's what He wants. Because of Jesus, He turned my ordinary life into an extraordinary one!
For Abba Father is not only a disciplining kind of Parent but also a lifetime Coach Who pushes us to our limits and wants us to live our lives disciplined. There are times I will fail. I have limitations. But because of Christ, He is the One Who will help me get through and accomplish my total victory. It is His strength, not mine that helps me win. It is His Word that guides my path as I grow more mature. It is Him Who gave me the true meaning of independence, apart from this world's beliefs and systems.
For that, I am a blessed child of God, And I am forever indebted to Christ. And I love Him. But you know what? He loved me first!
I Am Blessed [Rachel Lampa]
Verse 1:
I may never climb a mountain so I can see the world from there
I may never ride the waves and taste the salty ocean air
Or build a bridge, that would last a hundred years
But no matter where the road leads
One thing is always clear
I am blessed, I am blessed
From when I rise up in the morning
Til I lay my head to rest
I feel You near me
You soothe me when I'm weary
Oh Lord, for all the worst and all the best
I am blessed
Verse 2:
All along the road less traveled, I have crawled and I have run
I have wandered through the wind and rain until I found the sun
The watching eyes asked me why, I walked this narrow way
I will gladly give the reason
For the hope I have today
You've given me joy
You've given me love
You give me strength when I want to give up
You came from Heaven to rescue my soul
This is the reason I know
I know
I have linked this post with Spiritual Sundays. Please head on over there if you want to soak in His Word and love, emitted by fellow brothers and sisters. This is a warm place to visit, hosted by sisters Charlotte and Ginger.
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