Please visit Spiritual Sundays, a warm place to be in....With a sad heart, I ask that you please remember these precious children in your prayers. For their protection. And may we all stand up to fight child abuse. Any abuse is not right.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate." - (Psalms 127:3-5 ESV)
Inmate: “Awww…..It hurts!”
Me: “Sir, I haven’t even touched your shoulder yet. Honestly speaking, I can’t do anything for your pain. The doctor just saw you yesterday and had already given you something for pain.”
Inmate: “Motrin? Generic? Those are not gonna’ work!”
Me: “Did you use street drugs outside?”
Inmate: “No!!! What are you trying to say? I’m a Christian!!!”
Me: “[feeling a lump in my throat, no words wanted to come out…], I’m not trying to say anything. I’m asking you something specific regarding your medical background. I’m not sure why you answered me with your faith. You’re a Christian? [a mocking sound wanted to come out of my judgmental nature]”
Inmate: “Yes! That’s why I love my wife. And my child. I give them a kiss and a hug.”
Me: [No comment. The lump in my throat becoming bigger and harder to swallow, let alone fight my old, sinful nature. Of wanting to say something bad to him! Of wanting to curse! Of wanting to make his other arm hurt!”
You see, this inmate was put behind bars because he touted a fake firearm to the cops. So, he was chicken winged [when officers twist their arms behind them to prevent them from fighting back]. Ever since, he was complaining of severe pain on his left shoulder. The doctor already treated him, appropriate x-rays and medications were already given. But he remained complaining of “excruciating” [his own terms] pain on that upper extremity.
I have patience when I see manipulative inmates. Or those who try to milk the system. I sense their motives. I try to be slow to anger. Except, this time, upon checking his charges, I saw that he molested a 3-year old and a 14-year old also. I told my co-workers, I had to remain professional. But deep inside, I knew God wanted me to still grant him mercy and not be judgmental of his crimes. I silently prayed before his footsteps walked in, into the Infirmary’s metal door, escorted by their unit deputy.
He fixed the white sling as I told him to keep his left arm in a neutral position to lessen the pain. I advised for him to be patient as I would put him again on the doctor’s sick call this morning [Saturday].
Inmate: “Thank you.” He uttered with a smile. But I couldn’t look him straight into his eyes. I wasn’t afraid. I was wondering how many scared pairs of eyes ever looked into his and were begging for him to stop his abuse. He got up and started walking away from me as I didn’t acknowledge his thanks. With the least strength emanating from my throat, I managed to reply, “Sir, being a Christian means following Christ! It’s more than kissing or hugging your wife and child. It’s doing what Jesus wants you to do. And that is to do the right thing.”
I turned my back and went to the monitor where I was working and added him on the sick call list. I knew that encounter with predators like him, was not my first nor would it be the last. I softly uttered, “Lord, enough pain for these precious children of yours. I know You love them. No more tears for them. No more hurt. Stop their tears.”
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven." - (Matthew 18:10 ESV)
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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