You would think being married for 21 years, my husband and I
would be so used to exchanging gifts on this day, Valentine’s Day…
We hugged after our morning prayer after he stashed his red
lunch bag into his bigger black bag he used for work. I slightly patted him on
his back and whispered…
“Happy Valentine’s Day…Shucks…You don’t even remember? But I
love you…”
He hugged me tighter, ready with a quick reply, “But you
know we don’t celebrate it because everyday is like Valentine’s or Christmas or
any other holiday for us.”
He had a quick comeback. But it penetrated my heart. Because
his answer was true.
Out of the 21 years we were together, learning more about
each other, having more faith in each other, our love and respect for each
other had grown. Gone were the days of wooing and trying to be perfect. After
going through life’s trials and having our child, we didn’t need to try to gain
our affection for each other. We knew there was no perfect “spouse”. Both flaws
and assets made up one perfect package for our union.
He was right. We might never give gifts nor even greet each
other but love was more evident when we held hands together and cried together
during trying times. Love was there when he kept wiping my forehead and giving
me the support I needed as we welcomed our child. He never slept that day. He
wanted to make sure I was comfortable and all my needs were met, aside from the
cares given by the hospital staff. Love was there when he understood the need
to help out my parents when they became ill and needed financial help. Love was there when he endlessly consoled my broken heart when my mother died from stroke and my father from Colon Cancer 7 years after that... Love was
there when he kept reassuring me that everything would be okay when some of my
superiors gave me a hard time at work and demoted my position. I could go on
and on…
“Drive safely!” I uttered as I opened the door and led him
out to his van waiting in the driveway. Toting 3 huge bags he used for
work, he gave me a kiss and whispered “I love you.” Those words that were
precious. But even more if shown in actions.
As I closed the door and stopped the breaths of the chilly
air, I heard my husband turned on his car’s engine. He was going to work and
had been working hard. Sacrificing always for his family. In each day.
And that is true love. To put someone else and another’s
interest above yourself. Kinda’ like God’s…After all, God is LOVE…
God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were
still sinners.
5:8 (NIV)