My teenage son was asking me a few days ago if he could invite a friend over. Though I knew who the friend was, he hasn't really been over our house and my husband and I haven't met his parents.
Being on his Spring break for another week, I was torn between just us going out and doing things together [spending quality time so to speak] vs. him inviting his friend. But because my son had been studying hard, I decided to let him do so and let him relax and have a good time with his friend...
So, he placed a phone call to that specific friend and before they hung up with each other, I overheard my son, "Yeah, let's have our moms talk to each other before you come over."
I can't tell you how proud I was of my son and that friend for being responsible despite their age, and for the respect they both had shown to us, their parents. 5 minutes later, my cell phone rang and it was K's mom. First, it was an awkward conversation since we didn't know each other, so I decided to introduce a little bit about myself and my husband. She did the same with me after that. All of a sudden, there was just a weird feeling like we were comfortable though we had not met each other. So, she said she would bring her son the following day.
The palm trees were swaying back and forth as they were being rocked by the gusts of wind in our front yard. A white big truck parked in front of the curb and out came, K and his mom. My son and I were waiting at the door and we both hollered, "Good morning."
I invited Mrs. K. and showed her around the house, showed her some family pics and offered her to sit down. She started telling me she was a cancer survivor and through that, when she was feeling left alone by everyone even her best friend, that was when she came to know Christ! She is a teacher here in our district.
We had talked a little bit but I could tell, we were more comfortable now that we had met each other in person. The 2 boys had a great time playing together. I asked them, "What do you guys think happened that you both were just comfortable with each other yet you only have 1 class where you both go together?" Both of them said, they had the same interests, my son in designing cars and the other boy in designing airplanes, etc. etc...
I was trying to not interrupt the boys' answers, because before I even asked them that question, I already had a fixed answer in my mind...I blurted it out, "you both are brothers in Christ and that's why your friendship is neat because God had brought you together." My son goes, "thank You, Lord." K said, "Amen!"
When the night came and I was reflecting about us meeting this family, my heart was speaking with the Lord, saying, "To think that I almost didn't allow my son to invite his friend, not only that I, myself, would have missed out meeting a sister in Christ, Lord, I almost missed out on an answered prayer."
You see, during some of my own devotions, I always pray for my son for the Lord to always guide and protect him and most of all, give him Christian friends."...
"Lord, mighty are Your works! Thank You for Your friendship. It's not about finding true friends...It's about being one...."