Psalm 123:1 -"I lift up my eyes to You, O God, enthroned in heaven."
Isaiah 55:8, 9 -"My thoughts are completely different from yours," says the Lord. "And My ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts."
Matthew 28:20 -"I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Psalm 23:4 -"Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me. Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me." --Life Application Bible

A year ago, my child took this picture when we decided to explore what could be seen up on the hill. The view was great! We had seen places down below in the valley that we haven't known. I never knew that there was a big playing field and next to it, was a big reservoir of some sort of lake. It was busy that morning with lots of cars parked by the field and some kids playing football out there. Going up the hill was a long process as there was only one winding road that if we turn around, it would take us longer to where we came from. So, we decided to just keep driving forward until we were able to reach the other exit on the other side. After many, long, winding, narrow roads, it was a drive that my family and I knew in our hearts, was one that we would never forget. At times, we thought we got lost but seeing the many fruit trees down below and a new road that we didn't know even existed was exhilarating! How could we pass that opportunity of seeing the valley from up on top when we have lived here for many, many years?
From a spiritual point of view, God represents that big reservoir of water next to that huge playing field and the hill up above. We are the football players playing in this field of life. Whether we win or lose, God has been there watching us all along, always next to us as we play many, many games in our lives. He is like the "hill or mountain" on a higher level, seeing things down in the valley below. He sees everything that we, who are living down below, can't see. Going to that hill [God and His ways], has only one narrow, long road that we can take. But what better guidance in making life's decisions than to have it come from God by entrusting everything we care about to Him? Lord, thank You for making me see everything in Your light. Thank You for this song You have given me:
As I walk through the valley
I have no place to go
There are many roads to turn to
But I can't look back nor look ahead...but I know that...
Unto You I will lift up my eyes
To You Who dwell in the heavens
I will lift up my eyes to my Master, to my Lord, my God, my Redeemer
Joy replaced the fears in my heart
When I felt Your presence by my side
No matter how rough the roads in my way
My eyes will just look up to the skies far away....