I've been coughing since Thursday [from my sinus allergy]. So, I didn't feel like eating something heavy for dinner. Plus, I'm tired since I work weekend nights. I just made some "miso soup" and warmed up a piece of bread.
"Daddy!", my son yelled through the cracked open patio door. "Would you like some hotdog sandwich for dinner?"
My husband answered, "Okay, I think I'll have some. Thanks for asking." He returned to the slightly sloped soil in the backyard as he pulled some unwanted weeds and put some new mulch around the trees and other plants. My husband loves to do things around the house on days that he's off. I thank God for that.
"God is good. God is great. Thank You for the food and all the blessings. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
That's our family's prayer before we eat anything. I started sipping a tablespoon of my hot soup and took a small bite from the warmed-up bread. My son opened his mouth and as he attempted to take his first bite with the hotdog sandwich that he just made, I stopped him and asked him if we forgot anything.
Without answering, he slowly got up and went downstairs. Opened the patio door again and hollered, "Daddy! We're about to eat! Are you done? You wanna' eat with us now?"
I heard my husband, "No! Not yet! Thank you!" And kept on working with his chore.
When my son came back upstairs and sat next to me, I had shared that spiritually, we must also not forget our "Father" in heaven. That it's very important to remember Him not only when we are facing any trials but most of all, when we are enjoying the blessings that He always bestows on us. What a great feeling it would be to remember Him always:
-when we are overjoyed after bouts of feeling the lowest or mourning
- when we are healed with our pains or illnesses or we manage to be strong inspite of whatever weakens us
- when we are triumphant after life's failures
- when we conquered that highest mountain after getting lost in the valley
"God is good! And He is truly great! Thank You Lord for all the blessings You give us."
The soup never tasted better and I saw my son enjoying the hotdog sandwich with the mustard and ketchup. We smiled and looked at each other and with our hearts talking, [as we enjoy that special moment] saying : "Yes, Lord, it's good to remember You, the "Titan", Jehovah Jireh, Who is our Giant Giver of all things." Thank You Lord!"
Exodus 20:12 -""Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you."
Deuteronomy 5:16 -""Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you."
Psalm 22:23 -"You who fear the LORD, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!"
Psalm 50:23 -"He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God."