I immediately recognized that haggard face. way older than the stated age. Rubbing her mid-chest, her tears swelled.
I recalled those messy locks of hair turning gray. The lines on her forehead that spoke about the harsh habits she was entangled in. The same complaints of chest pain despite the normal findings.
"You look familiar," I couldn't believe I uttered when I usually tried to maintain my professionalism when it came to dealing with sick inmates.
"Yes, Ma'am. You've treated me once. My chest is hurting again. It started today," she rapidly responded.
"Did you get released before?" I continued.
"Yes," she coyly replied.
"What happened? What were you doing that your chest started bothering you?" I probed.
"I was released. I thought I could change. But it's impossible! I went back to using drugs!" she replied without hesitation.
"What kind and how much a day? And the last time you had the drugs?"
"Meth...a lot....and the day I got arrested, that was the last time, Ma'am."
After taking her vital signs and probing more relating to the type and degree of her chest pain, I motioned for her to go into one of the exam rooms so I could take an EKG, an electrical reading of her heart. She knew the treatment modality so well. And everything was normal.
She bowed her head in disbelief. She was very sure of this pain bothering her. How could this be impossible?
"Ma'am," I interrupted her thoughts, "Take care of yourself. It is possible that the meth had this effect on you. If every time your chest hurt, just let your unit know. They will send you down here every time. It's just good to check if there's something more serious or not. Okay?"
Meth...or Methamphetamines...One of the drugs out in the streets. Used by many. Someone can get hooked even with its first use. But the effects are disastrous. Health becomes at risk. Relationships suffer. Sensing euphoria during the early stages, only to feel sicker, angry, depressed, ashamed or guilty the next. And the users answer to the latter? To use more meth! No wonder she said that "it was impossible". Impossible to break that habit!
But I believe in God Who is able! I believe in "what's impossible to us, men, is not with God!" [Luke 18:27]
We all have our failures. We all are entangled in different kinds of sins. Of habits that are not pleasing to God. There is a way out....Jesus... Who said, "I am the only WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE..." [John 14:6; emphasis mine]. Let's turn all our impossible to possible, not with our way but with God's way....But you must believe...I was once like you except now, I believe...in Jesus...
Lord, today, I praise Your Holy Name. May you be the One glorified in everything. Lord, may many more lost wanderers turn to You. May they realize that what's impossible is not with You, our awesome God. Glory be to You now and forever. Thank You for loving us. Thank You for sending Jesus so our relationship with You can be made right because of His sacrifice. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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