“Our deepest calling is not to grow in our knowledge of God. It is to make disciples. Our knowledge will grow -- the Holy Spirit, Jesus promised, will guide us into all truth. But that's not our calling, it is His. Our calling is to prepare the world for Christ's return. The world is not ready yet. And so, we go about introducing a dying world to the Savior of Life. Anything we do toward our own growth must be toward that end.” - Jeffrey Bryant
Time felt it stood still behind that closed-door meeting. Facing three of them, two of which I didn’t have the knowledge of, they all talked amongst themselves. Aware of the specific request I did as the new memo came out, they acted as if they were there to help. All the wrong accusations poured in. Their planned answer to my request were written down on a specific form, appearing as if they would try to do their best to help me find what was best. Except the words written did not match what was spoken.
Thinking they would intimidate me, they tried to discourage me instead by instilling fear of what could lie ahead for my future. I stood silent, my eyes meeting their gaze that couldn’t stay to meet with mine for so long. Three against one. They felt power in their number. But they didn’t know something about me. I wasn’t alone. The whole time, Someone was with me Who saw and heard all the accusations, all the lies, and all their attacks that wanted to stop His work in me.
Discouragement…Fear…It’s always the enemies’ tactics to stop the work of God’s children. ("For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot." - Romans 8:7). Just like what I’m facing at this time. But they will not be successful. I will continue to trust in His faithful love and promises. I know He is always with me. He is our Savior after all. He loves to save.
He finds the lost. He strengthens the weak. He frees the captives. He forgives not once but many, many times those who turn back to Him. He protects against enemies’ attacks. He gives hope and a future to those who loves Him. He gives eternal life to those who believes in Him. He promises to finish the work He starts in each believer’s life. He restores what’s broken.
The path that leads to Him is narrow. It is never easy. There are lots to overcome. But He promised that He is there walking with anyone who truly trusts and believes in Him. Injustices seem to prevail nowadays. We often ask, “Where are You, God?” The answer might not come quick. But it doesn’t mean He doesn’t hear. All actions produce an outcome. And so evil things committed will reap consequences and will not slip past God’s judgment. For everything happens in His perfect time.
We serve God Who is not passive. And I know by His grace, my own time to defend myself will come. They will be discouraged for their intentions behind that door will be exposed into His light. They will fear because they will realize how foolish their wisdom is compared to that of God's. As I pray, I needed to go into actions. I just pray that I won't miss His plan on this.
This battle I'm in is a long process. But I would rather remain on His side. He is the only Savior Whose promises I can rely on. No promises put out on the table in front of me could be trusted. They were immediately broken because of their evil desires. But they would never discourage nor scare me. Because of my Savior Who continues to love, protect, save, bless and empowers me. I know….because He is in me…
"And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior," - Luke 1:47
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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