Lord, I’m sorry for not giving You the time that I should. You’ve been there patiently waiting for me. Here I am, ignoring You. I’m sorry for the times I don’t feel like talking with You. Help me see Your abiding love. Help me draw nearer to You. Thank You for Your unconditional love. Thank You for Your endless forgiveness. Empower me Oh Lord to destroy any stronghold in my life that deters me from walking closer with You. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, I pray. Amen.
Good morning friends. These past days, I had been busy, doing routine things though. But felt like I didn’t have the desire to read His Word or just simply, spend time with Him. I have a lot of quiet times. I just couldn’t be still. And when I finally did, this is what the Lord had shown me: Fight…not with your might. But with My power…Look at these weapons created by inmates. Yes, they are very capable of secretly creating weapons. They hoard them in all unexpected places:
Through that video, I felt the Lord probing me, “Rosel, search and see for those strongholds in your life. But you are not going to fight with your own power but with Mine. Draw near Me and know Me intimately. Only then, you will discover the weapons I’m arming you with.”
Strongholds are any of our own human reasoning or ideas, values or designs raised up by this satanic world system. And those who oppose the knowledge of God [biblical view of grace, eternal values, etc]…Our weapons from the Lord are designed to tear down those strongholds or fortresses.
“3We are human, but we don’t wage war with human plans and methods. 4We use God’s mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the devil’s strongholds.” ~ 2 Corinthians 10:3,4
What are the strongholds in your life? We are given a choice to either use the world’s weapons or that of God’s. God’s weapons which include prayer, faith, hope, love, His Word and the Holy Spirit [in us] are powerful and effective. These weapons can break down any fortresses [any proud human arguments against God and the walls that satan builds to keep people from finding God].
I know that I love to spend time with God and the enemy will try anything to make me lose that desire. We may have that “Jericho” [Joshua 6:1-27] that stands in the way of our ability to possess our possessions in Christ, impending our spiritual progress. It could be a weak character, physical infirmity, or simply neglecting things of spiritual nature. But no matter how big or small this “Jericho” is in our lives, we must realize that victory in destroying them comes only through God’s plan of deliverance.
“But the Lord said to Joshua, “I have given you Jericho, its king, and all its mighty weapons.” - Joshua 6:2. God reassured Joshua that Jericho was already delivered into his hands - the enemy was already defeated!
Let us build a fortress then, not of this world’s system, but of Christ. He will surely guide us and will be with us all the way. Just remain trusting in Him and desiring Him FIRST on top of everything and everyone. Glory to You Oh Lord!
“The Lord is my rock, my FORTRESS, and my savior, my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my STRONGHOLD. I will call on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, for he saves me from my enemies.” ~ Psalm 18:2,3 [emphasis is mine]…
Praising the Lord is one of the weapons we can start with to gain our victory. So, turn up your volume and if you have time, let us praise the Lord!
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
Spring is Here6 days ago
New Life.1 week ago
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