Are You A Winner Or A Turkey?
[Please silence my playlist first...]
“Can’t stuff this?” Yes, you can be…
In this competitive world, nobody wants to be a loser! Same with Jesus, He wants us all to be winners! Yes, it’s true! We all can be “winners” in Christ, not “turkeys!”…Just repent for your sins, trust in Him and make Him Lord of your life. Just mean this prayer with all of your heart and pray it out loud:
“Dear God in heaven, I know that I have sinned against You and ask for Your forgiveness. I do believe that Jesus Christ died as payment for my sins. I believe He rose again to prove He is able to save. I place my faith in Him alone to save me. I now receive Him as my personal Savior. From now on, please help me to turn from my sin and live a life pleasing to You. I pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
If you sincerely prayed this, congratulations to you for being a winner in Christ! But it doesn’t stop there. Join a church who glorifies no one but only Jesus. So you can be more knowledgeable about His true and faithful love for you. Read the Bible.
The song was singing “can’t stuff this!” Yes…don’t stuff yourself anymore with worldly things but stuff yourself with things of Christ!
“Be filled with the Spirit!” - Ephesians 5:18
Some of the “turkeys” who became WINNERS in Christ:
~ Paul - converted through a light and the voice of Jesus; became a Christian missionary and theologian [his story is in the Book of Acts and he was the one who wrote letters to different churches].
~ Augustine - converted through a voice and reading Romans 13:13-14 “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”
~John Bunyan - converted through waking dreams - “A voice did suddenly dart from heaven into my soul, which said, ‘Will you leave your sins and go to heaven, or have your sins and go to hell?’… “Oh, me thought, Christ! Christ! There was nothing but Christ that was before my eyes…Now Christ was all; all my wisdom, all my righteousness, all my sanctification and all my redemption.”
~ Blaise Pascal - converted through a spiritual experience of God.
And there are many, many more!!! So, do you want to be a WINNER or a TURKEY?
Oh, Lord in heaven, thank You for making me be a winner in Jesus. If He didn’t die on that cross, I would forever be a “turkey” with no sense of hope, of freedom, of true love, of everything that Your love offers. I pray that many more “turkeys” out there will come to know Your faithful love and gift of forgiveness and may their hearts be opened and choose to become winners in Christ. Let it start with my own loved ones, who are getting filled with all the empty stuffing this world offers.
Help them Lord to yield their lives to Jesus and be stuffed with the Holy Spirit instead.
Remove any unwanted seasonings in me, except salt that with that distinct flavor, people around me can taste Your everlasting kindness and faithful and true love.
I love You Lord. Thank You for being Who You are. Thank You for Your unconditional love. Thank You for making me feel worthy living this life and as I wait to go home to Yours. I love You Lord! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Happy Thanksgiving you all! God bless you abundantly!
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