Feeling the familiar ache on my right upper back, I donned my shades to protect my eyes from the glare of the already blistering sun. I looked at my rear view mirror and saw the electronic gate remained opened behind me, as another staff's car was waiting for me to clear for their turn to get out of our gated staff parking.
We had a good night despite the few doctor's orders my co-worker and I had finished in a short period of time. Most of the staff was relaxed, chatting and sharing jokes, remembering scary episodes at work or simply just browsing in the Internet.
"Thank You Lord!" I prayed as I guided my steering wheel steadily to turn my car to an on ramp of the freeway that would lead me home. "Thank You for the quiet night we had." As I turned on the soft music, my mind wandered about how many miracles that God constantly had shown me in every day that passed by.
No! I'm not dying of cancer. Nor did I die and was given another chance [almost at one time but that would be another story]... As I learned to trust in Him, He had proven time and time again, that He is alive and that His promises stand true up to this day! He proves them to me through all these life's miracles that if I am walking away from Him, would hardly be noticed by my mind and heart.
These were the past miracles:
When I accepted Him into my heart, same time with my husband...
When my son at 8 years of age, understood what it meant to accept Jesus into his heart as my oldest Christian brother shared Jesus with his young mind.
I saw His miracle in 1997 when I hurt my neck in the hospital and when the doctor told me to get out of Nursing, He brought me to the prison to remain as a nurse, when I cried out to Him in prayer.
I saw His miracle when my husband got out of the US Navy and wanted to help me be there for our child and in desperate times while he was out of work, He had shown the job that he wanted to join when I picked up the Sunday newspaper that I usually never bought and the ad needed applicants right away. He got hired right away!
I saw His miracle when my father was dying from colon cancer and he had shown tremendous strength and joy amidst that painful trial. I saw happiness from his eyes when he looked forward to going Home and promised me that he would wait for me, when my own time comes.
And He continues to show me more:
I see His miracle when in just a matter of minutes, He helps me find His Word or video that will apply to what He inspires me to write in my blog.
I see His miracle when I know that His guidance and discernment are working in my child's life.
I see His miracle when all of us are able to get through the day, unharmed, provided for with our needs, and given peace during life's trials.
I see His miracle when friends pray for each other, even in this blog world.
I see His miracle when our prayers are answered and in other instances, we remain waiting yet in that silence, hearts of friendships have grown closer, love and concern displayed through either material or non-material things.
I see His miracle that I am able to finish my work, despite the little aches and pains, He sustains me with His strength and comfort.
I see it when amidst sinful environment, He protects me and guards me in my ways.
I see it when pregnant inmates choose to keep their babies and not have abortion.
And so many other things that may seem little but truly are God's gift of His miraculous ways. Glory be to You Oh Lord, God of miracles!!!
And His best miracle in each of our lives, is His invitation to accept His gift of salvation. We are all sinners in need of a Savior.
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
Spring is Here6 days ago
New Life.1 week ago
Peace2 months ago
Keeping My Faith in Tact!1 year ago
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End of an Era5 years ago
My Valley of Achor: A Sacred Journey5 years ago
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THE GOD WHO SEES5 years ago
Slice of Life6 years ago
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