Today Lord, I don't want to write about anything in my life's journey. I want to just focus on You. For without You, I am nothing. I want to thank You Lord for giving me a renewal with my faith in You. I know that You have given me another head-start with my life. No more unfamiliar roads. No more dark roads. No more confusing pathways. No more fears even with new roads that come along. Because now I know that You are always with me, Your hand guides me.
I don't deserve all these blessings I receive daily yet through those, You are constantly reminding me of Your endless love and mercy. I thank You for all the wisdom You give me. I ask that I may be able to share Your love and wisdom not only with my loved ones, but to those who will happen to pass by this site. A welcoming friendship I extend to them, because that's what You did on the cross. You died with Your arms wide open. You welcome all of us, who will believe. And friendship You offer and a promise of eternal life.
My heart cries with the pure joy that only comes from You. There is nothing glorious than to be identified that I am Your beloved child and that You are always here with me in this life's journey.
I pray for your other children who are blogging for Your glory. Help us Lord by guiding us with Your wisdom. Speak through our hearts so that we may write Your wisdom in return. May many more people happen to peek through our sites and be able to know Your love and grace as they do so and may they open their hearts to You, O Lord and accept You as their only Savior.
Thank You for today Lord. Thank You for Your love. In Jesus' Name. Amen.