This past weekend was calm at my workplace. The familiar unscheduled sick calls were nowhere to be seen. Even the phones were eerily silent!
I arrived at work with the bins empty. Usually, they would be full with the charts with doctor’s orders that needed to be carried out by nurses. The PM shift crew had just gotten done and I was grateful for the completed work.
It was seldom that we had these quiet moments and no! I wouldn’t feel guilty for sitting around. My co-workers and I knew that we needed this kind of solace in order for us to recuperate and regain our strength and energy.
We cleaned the place and I wiped the counters with anti-bacterial wipes from those huge plastic tubs. When morning came, I volunteered to help out the LVN’s do the morning accuchecks of those inmates who were diabetics. It went smoothly and before we knew it, everyone was done.
God, too wants us to enter His place of rest. Back then, in Moses’ time, this meant finding the Promised Land. But for us, Christians, it is peace with God now and eternal life on a new earth later.
We don’t need to wait for the next life to enjoy God’s rest and peace. We can have it daily now! Our every day rest in the Lord will not end with death but will become an eternal rest in the place that Christ is preparing for us. [Jesus said, “Don’t be troubled. You trust God, now trust in Me. There are many rooms in My Father’s home and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you so that you will always be with Me where I am. And you know where I am going and how to get there.” –John 14:1-4].
Let us stop struggling in doing good to enter that place of rest because Jesus had already provided that through FAITH.
“God’s promise of entering his place of rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to get there. For this Good News – that God has prepared a place of rest - has been announced to us just as it was to them. But it did them no good because they didn’t believe what God had told them. For only we who believe can enter his place of rest.
As for those who didn’t believe, God said,
“In my anger I made a vow: They will never enter my place of rest.” Even though his place of rest has been ready since he made the world.” – Hebrews 4:1-4