Sorry friends if I haven’t been visiting you all in a while. I took a break and just enjoyed some precious time with my family. I also sought the Lord as sometimes, I felt lagging with my walk with Him. I knew it was time for me to get that needed break and let Him rejuvenate me.
As I go back to work tonight, back to the darkness that goes on day in, day out behind those thick prison walls, I am reminded of this precious air of freedom I enjoy here outside. What a great way to remember July 4, Independence Day, than to think about the gift of freedom Jesus had given us. Freedom that is not confined in a space. Nor short-lived. Freedom that can not be divided. Freedom that cannot be taken away once we accept it. Freedom that makes us see the truth that we do not belong to this world. To realize that truth that we have brothers and sisters inside the prison system. That we have brothers and sisters facing death in those dangerous nations when they preach the Good News to those who haven’t heard about the Lord Jesus. That we are all children of God and must be living in unity instead of having divisions among His body.
“So Christ has really set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.” - Galatians 5:1
Christ indeed set us free! But not to do whatever we want because that makes us go back into slavery to our selfish desires. Instead, we must live unselfishly.
This past vacation my family and I had, we wanted to go to those favorite places we loved. Like camping by the beaches. Kayaking. We even planned to go to Ronald Reagan’s library. But we didn’t have those opportunity. However, we were filled with unexplainable joy just by being together.
It was because we enjoy more than what we know here in USA: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc…We enjoy the true freedom that comes from Christ alone: freedom from sin, freedom from its eternal consequences, freedom from hopelessness and despair and freedom from death.
I truly admired and liked the way President Ronald Reagan had led this nation during his term. He came in when the economy was not at its best. But he was able to overcome all those challenges and showed his great leader ability, though he was an actor. I didn’t see him as an actor. I didn’t see him as a president. I saw him as a man of God, who always revealed his trust and faith in One God and Who made him to be who he was at that time: a great president! God bless you all and may you remember what Christ had done for each of us not only on July 4, but in everyday of our lives. To God be the glory!
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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