“Nurse Rcubes, do you mind going inside our med room to see the deputy there with a question?” asked one of our LVN’s.
“Sure. What’s wrong?” I asked.
“You’ll see. Someone else was talking to him already. But I want your opinion,” she replied.
He was at the prime of his life, maybe early 20’s. Sitting on one of the chairs, I saw him lifting up his pant’s legs, baring his shin area and near the ankles to 4 pairs of nursing staff’s eyes. The fifth which was mine.
“I was out hunting couple of days ago. They just appeared like that. But they don’t itch or anything,” he explained with a slight anxiety that I sensed.
He had a few scattered red bumps on those areas. They didn’t look like bug bites to me. No one was saying anything except most of them told him that it must be a kind of bug bite. But because he wasn’t itching, they didn’t want to give him any cream for allergy or itching.
“Go to ER!” my suggestion cutting through that period of short silence.
“Why ER?” questioned the other nurse.
“Just because….” I replied. “They don’t look like bites to me. But I wouldn’t wait to see your primary doctor for things like that. It’s better that a doctor who might have seen something like that would know the cause of your bumps right away and can appropriately order the necessary blood works.”
The young, robust deputy grew quieter. I thought I saw him tried to swallow as if there was a big lump in his throat. His anxious face becoming more apparent. He got up and thanked all of us. I saw him walked as if he was dragging his legs.
“I hope you feel better,” I hollered as I let him out of the Infirmary.
The LVN who called me grabbed my arm when he was gone. She pulled me into a vacant examination room and started relating a story, as if it was a secret.
“Nurse Rcubes…He had cancer [I purposely didn’t want to disclose the kind] and was already treated. He was so afraid to come and ask us about what we thought of those rashes. That’s why I called you. No one seemed to know but I wanted your opinion, too. Now, he is more afraid that it had come back. You’re the only one who told him to go to ER. And that validated what he was feeling.” she kept going on and on.
“Oh, no!” I exclaimed. “I hope I didn’t scare him by saying that.”
“No! Don’t worry about it. He actually was thanking you. It was like you gave him the push to see the doctor sooner. Because it was like he was in denial.”
“You know why I said that?” “It was just a gut feeling. Now, I’m sad for him. To know his condition. He is too young. But I will keep him in my prayers,” I uttered as I ended our secret conversation.
Current update: Deputy S. is now out on a medical leave. It was confirmed that his cancer came back and on stage 4. Some deputies started making fund raising by selling t-shirts and other events. I bought 3 t-shirts but gave extra money for their cost. I wished I could have given him more. Knowing he needs a lot of financial help. He is a newly-hired deputy. He doesn’t have a lot of sick time. And now, he can’t even go to work. A lot of money was raised immediately. That’s what I heard this weekend when I went to work. We are all hurting for him. Because it’s like a big family. When one deputy or staff is hurting, everybody feels that pain. But for the one who is suffering the most, we can show that we share their pain. Through prayers or any help we can extend, to be able to reach out to their needs, even if they are not asking for help, will surely lighten their load.
How true it is with Christ’s family. His body. Us! By coming together, our trials seem to be lighter. The one suffering can be comforted to know that he/she is not alone in overcoming any trial. God has started a specific work in each of us. How beautiful it is to see if we are all working together in harmony, working together for His glory! United in God’s love. United in Christ's love.
“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” ~ Psalm 133:1
Please pray for Deputy S. for the Lord’s miraculous healing to cover him. And the most important of all, for him to know and accept God’s gift of salvation. The Lord knows his needs. Thank you all for always encouraging me. I am blessed to have met you all and I pray for the Lord to bless you more. Even in this blogging community, it is a wonderful experience to have met wonderful friends/brothers/sisters like you. Wonderful when we are united in His love. Glory to God for His faithfulness and all the blessings He gives us.
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
Spring is Here6 days ago
New Life.1 week ago
Peace2 months ago
Keeping My Faith in Tact!1 year ago
Relating to another's struggles5 years ago
End of an Era5 years ago
My Valley of Achor: A Sacred Journey5 years ago
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THE GOD WHO SEES5 years ago
Slice of Life6 years ago
Blog trouble9 years ago
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