Lord, I just want to thank You for answering my prayers right away...Thank You for always being near...
Yesterday, I got a call from our "boss" and told me the bad news that the nurse job-sharing with me put in a resignation, effective in 2 weeks. Bad for me, because working part time [32 hours/pay period], there were only 2 choices to do if I won't be able to find another nurse, same position, working same shift [nights like me] to job share with me: either go FULL TIME or go PER DIEM. Problems...
I can't go full time because my husband leaves early for work every weekdays and someone has to be here for our child. I can't go per diem also because this is my only job and if I can't pick up a shift, that means "no income"...
Was I worried? Thanks be to the peace that God gives that surpasses all understanding.
"Lord, You know our problem now. This is so sudden. But I know that You know what's best for me and my family. I am not going to worry because whatever You willed for me has to happen. In Jesus' Name. Amen.."
Last month, there were 2 nurses inquiring about my job sharing. They both wanted to do it. Except, it didn't work, because though one was a full-timer, the other one was only per diem [so they didn't have the same working status]...What didn't work out for them, turned out to be a blessing for me because one of those nurses wanted to do this with me when she found out that my partner was leaving!
Today, I got a copy of the contract from our boss and we both, just needed to sign it! God answered my needs in less than 24 hours...
I'm praising You Lord and I'm shouting Your everlasting kindness here so that they will know about Your goodness. That You are not deaf. That You rescue Your children.
I meditated on Proverbs 3:5-6 yesterday ~ "5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight." [NIV]
Lead me Lord...throughout the rest of my journey! I just want to share this video with you if you have time to watch. Please silence my playlist...God bless to all of you.
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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