A group of blue uniformed inmate workers were walking down the hallway.They just finished working at the jail's kitchen. I was right behind them, on my way to the Clinic to just start my shift. They were in a neat row, in a long line. Except they were talking loud when they were not allowed to.
“Be quiet!” a command flooded the whole hallway that emanated from hidden speakers. To the surprise of the inmate workers. They didn’t know that all of their movements were being watched, their conversations being listened to. A sudden silence ensued. They kept marching toward the units where they were housed. It was just the footsteps that reverberated. Nothing else.
I know that there is Someone Who sees me and my thoughts, too. 24/7. I love Psalm 139. Why? Because God knows all about us. We cannot hide from Him. He made us.
Psalm 139:
1*LORD, when you look at me you know all about me.
2You know when I sit down. And you know when I get up. You understand what I am thinking about (even when you are) far away.
3You see when I go (somewhere). And you see when I stay (at home).You remember everything that I do!
4For example, before I say a word, *LORD, you know all about it.
5You are all round me, in front (of me) and behind (me). You have put your *hand upon me.
6What you know (about me) is *wonderful. I cannot understand it. It is so high that I cannot climb up to it.
7Where can I go from your *Spirit? How can I run away from you?
8If I went up to *heaven, you would be there. If I went down to *Sheol, you would be there also.
9If I went: ·to where the sun rises (in the east)
·to the other side of the sea (in the west)
10your hand would be there. It would be my guide. Your right hand would give me help.
11If I say:
·I am sure that *darkness will hide me
·or, the light round me will change into night,
12*darkness and light are the same to you!
*Darkness is not dark to you.
The night shines as bright as the day (to you).
13But you, you made every part of me. You made me grow in my mother’s *womb.
14I *praise you for the *mysterious and *wonderful way that you made me. I know very well that everything that you made is *wonderful.
15(Nothing) hid my body from you when I was growing in a secret place. This happened deep in the earth.
16Your eyes saw my body growing. Before I had lived one day, you wrote in your book how long I should live for!
17You have so many ideas, God. They are so difficult for me to understand.
18If I could count them all, there would be more than the *grains of sand (by the side of the sea). I would have to live (as long) as you to count them all!
19God, I hope that you will kill the *wicked (people)! And go away from me you *men of blood (murderers).
20They are your enemies. They say bad things about you that are not true.
21Do I *hate them that hate you, *LORD? Do I really hate them that attack you?
22(Yes) I do hate them, I really hate them. I think of them as my enemies.
23Look at me, God. And know (what is in) my *heart. Look into my mind and know my thoughts.
24See if I am doing anything bad that might hurt me.
And lead me in the old ways.
I am glad that we can’t out-run God. Because that means that we are always in His care. God’s mercy truly runs deep. Thank You Lord!
[Please silence my playlist if you want to listen to this beautiful song]:
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