Working nightshift at this correction facility I've been in for nine years, it is expected that we see inmates who feel ill at night, time to time. It's hard sometimes as we don't have a doctor on board. We can consult an on-call physician if we need to.
So, one easy-going night can turn chaotic just like that, depending on requests received from different units whose inmates are requesting to be seen by the medical staff. Some are real, and some have fake complaints.
One night, I received a call from one of the units and this man was complaining of chest pain that just wouldn't go away after dinner. Escorted by the deputy, I saw the big man came through the double door. I motioned for him to go through a particular door that led to the clinic so I could start assessing him and start taking his vital signs. I had a small brown bottle of nitroglycerin nearby if I needed to give it depending on my assessment. So, as I was taking his blood pressure reading, I started asking him.
"How bad was your pain and where is it located?"
Inmate: "Really bad, ma'am. I can't sleep. It started after dinner. Right here. [while he started moving his right arm up and down pointing from the front of neck down to mid-abdomen where the stomach is located]."
"What did you have for dinner? Was there anything new that you might have eaten or anything irritable like too spicy kind of food?" [All the vital signs were normal at this time]...
Inmate: "Come to think of it, yes, I did have a lot of coffee."
"Hmmm....Did you have any history of heartburn or any problem with stomach from the past?"
Inmate: thinking for a while, "yes."
"I'm glad you said that because I see it from your chart that you do have a history of taking a pill specifically for heartburn. I know that it's not a heart problem now but more of your heartburn."
Inmate: "I'm sorry ma'am. I just didn't know what it was. I thought it was chest pain."
"That's okay. If you don't request to be seen, then we will never find out. That's why we're here is to help you with those kinds of things. Let me ask you further, if I may. Was there anything that happened in your unit or something today that might have precipitated to your stomach ache?"
Inmate: "What do you mean, ma'am?"
"I'm just saying that it's not only irritable foods that might give you an ache, but also any form of worrying or anxiety, like if someone was threatening you, I want to know, so I can have the custody staff help you in that aspect. Maybe have you be moved to another cell if needed."
Inmate: "Ma'am....paused....long sigh....You're right....I went to court this morning. I was so scared because I didn't know what the sentence would be like. I didn't want to be incarcerated for a very long time and so, I was worried the whole time until I saw the judge. We just started with the trial so I don't know the result yet." [I gave him a concoction of 3 kinds of liquid medicine that would help with his stomach pain at this time].
"Sir, that's understandable. To not know the outcome. But no amount of medications can help you not unless you help yourself first. Try to relax and just take it, one trial at a time. If you feel like you need something to help you calm down or sleep, you can ask for us to see you again or you can let me know now so I can get you the appropriate help that you need."
Inmate:appearing more relaxed at this time, "I feel better now. I think I want to go back to my unit now. Thank you so much, nurse."
"You're welcome and I hope that you will always feel better. Relax...Don't forget."
The haggard face gave me a smile back.
Are you like this person, feeling anxious for any uncertainties in your life? Worrying about the future? Scared about how you would come up with the mortgage payment now that the interest rate had gone higher? Fearful of not having enough income to pay for your bills? Worried about your failing health? Anxious about the future of your marriage? Worried about your children who are not heeding your advices? I can go on and on...
The problem with that inmate was not from something that he ate but "from what's eating him up."

We all have an on-call "Physician", too Who we can call on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He knows our needs and He can surely help what's ailing us. Hand over the storms in your life to the Hands Who will calm them for you.
Matthew 6:25 -""Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
Matthew 6:27 -"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?"
James 1:2 -"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds"
Psalm 94:19 -"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul."
1 Peter 5:7 -"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."