I’ve been busy this week. Monday started with me going to our county court house to serve in jury duty. The judge excused me, for which I was thankful to the Lord as it would be difficult for me to serve at this time.
Then, my child joined the try-out session for their school’s tennis so we’re hoping and praying that he would be selected. But only if the Lord wills that for him. He told me the other morning that whether he would be selected or not, it would be okay for him. Because he knows that the Lord’s direction would prevail in everything that he does. Glory to God for His wisdom!
So, day to day, I would wait for him until the training is over late in the afternoon, while I’ve been running errands in a fast pace the entire morning. Yesterday, I checked the pantry and noted that our bread supply was running low. So, off to the grocery store I went and bought some.
As I was waking up early this morning [or maybe I should have said, “as the Lord was waking me up this morning…”], the Lord’s prayer was playing in my mind:
“Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven…” This part stuck out to my brain receptors the most:
“Give us our DAILY BREAD”…
As I did my devotion this early morning, I know most of you already know what it means to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. But He is inviting us everyday to eat the “DAILY BREAD”. Jesus did not come to introduce a new religion. He came to tell about God’s love for mankind. That is you and me! He wants us to eat.
Jesus said again, “I assure you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you. But those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them at the last day. For my flesh is the true food, and my blood is the true drink. All who eat my flesh and drink my blood remain in me, and I in them. I live by the power of the living Father who sent bread from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever and not die as your ancestors did, even though they ate the manna.” [John 6:53-58].
Yes, Jesus has been inviting us to eat the living bread. It means accepting Christ into our lives and to become united with him. We are united by believing in his death [the sacrifice of his flesh] and resurrection. And also by devoting ourselves to living as he requires. It depends on the teaching of the Holy Spirit and trusting Him for His power. How do we know what He wants? Get a daily dose by reading His Word [Bible]. "I have not gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured up the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." -Job 23:12 [ASV]
Jesus’ life has to become our own. So stop eating the physical bread. “Give us our daily bread, O Lord”…And He did…He gave mankind the spiritual bread from heaven that satisfies completely and leads to eternal life.
Wow! And my eyebrows were perhaps arched high as I looked at the prices of the bread now in the bread aisle…Expensive! For a day’s worth of being sustained with energy for just a day or few days. Compared to the heavenly bread which is for FREE and its sustenance lasts eternally.
Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again. Those who believe in me will never thirst.” [John 6:35].
Jesus wants you [us] to eat!
On a personal note, I want to thank you all who come here and leave your footprints. I just want to let you know that I appreciate and read everything you had written down and I'm keeping them so sometimes, when I need encouragement, I go back and read them again. It's great to see you bro. Ike and Keystone who both have great godly wisdom to share! And so, most of you do, too. All my praise and thanks to the One Who makes this blogging possible! To God be the glory forever and ever. In all ages to come. I pray for the Lord to bless you all and continue to mold our hearts into His likeness. Daily. Please feel free to leave a comment. Because we become a blessing to each other. When I don't reply, just know, I do pay attention to each of the wisdom you all have to share. It's awesome! Love to you all in Christ.