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Your Grace
I have 3 guitars. Don’t get me wrong! I’m not that great of a guitarist. I can only play easy chords and I learned this on my own when I was 12 or 13 years old. My husband had given all those 3 guitars as gifts for me, if not for my birthday, the last one was simply just to bless me because he knew that I always looked at that guitar every time our son had to go to his piano lessons and there I was browsing at the many instruments in that music store.
On November 8, 2004, he bought me that guitar on the right. And my oldest brother, who plays well with his guitar, asked me, if I had given this guitar a special name. He said he named his guitar to make him remember the special occasion why he had this in the first place. I told him, I haven’t really named the guitar but I thought of one name in particular right away.
What the Lord had given was what I thought of right away. Because I knew that what He had gone through was not easy. From Titus 3:7 - “Being made right with God by His grace, we could have the hope of receiving the life that never ends.”
Max Lucado wrote, “The cross was heavy, the blood was real, and the price was extravagant. It would have bankrupted you or me, so he paid it for us. Call it simple. Call it a gift. But don’t call it easy. Call it what it is…Call it GRACE…”
For You Lord, I named my guitar “GRACE”. And He gave me a song that day right away…
Your Grace
It’s not easy what You have done
You came to earth just to die
Jesus, sent by Father in heaven
You died on the cross to set me free
Your grace….raining down on me
Full of your love and mercy
Your grace….and it’s free
But the cost was priceless that saved me
You are my way, my truth and life
You’re just asking for my open heart
Jesus, my Savior and my Friend
Lamb of God Who takes away our sins
[repeat Chorus]
But the cost was priceless…
[repeat Chorus]
But the cost was priceless…….Your grace….[fading]
~rcubes 11/09/04