It’s not easy to look at incarcerated inmates without doubting them, judging them, disliking them, rejecting them. The only way is to be able to taste “agape” love. Agape love is a self-sacrifice kind of love. Agape love is of God, which is His nature. [1John 4:8 - “God is love.”].
Everything that God does flows from His love. He loves because that is His nature. He loves all of us, even the unlovable! Not that anyone deserves it, but because that is His nature to do so. God’s love was shown to us on the cross, where Christ died to save us, sinners. He paid that ultimate sacrifice for those He loves. That is a sacrificial act. Sacrificial love is not based on a feeling but a determined act of the will and a joyful resolve to put others’ welfare above your own. It doesn’t come naturally to us. If we love God, then, that agape love can emanate from its True Source.
“And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” - Romans 5:5
When we have that love in our hearts, then, we can obey what Jesus said, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” - John 13:34
Let us desire this highest, purest kind of love: AGAPE…Unconditional. Selfless. Always giving.