“Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out. It's all about timing.” ~ Stacey Charter
Last month, after my son’s usual orthodontic appointment, the Orthodontist advised that he needed to have all his 4 wisdom teeth extracted as they were just crowding the rest of his teeth as they came out. They were not impacted.
We were disappointed as this could have been done at that time, while he was on vacation. It would make it tougher as he went back to school at that time. My son never wanted to miss any classes as much as possible. And being interested in tennis, he got concerned that he would not be able to play if the procedure was done during the weekdays.
It took another 2 weeks from our insurance to reply to his dentist’s referral to another oral surgeon. But from my past experiences, I had learned not to worry and knew it had to happen in God’s perfect time. The letter came one day. The request was DENIED!!! That meant, my hubby and I would have to pay from our own pocket. You know now what the title is all about as you read this. And the procedure wouldn’t be cheap! It might amount to $4,000 something, depending on what would be done. [So much so for having insurance…].
Then, our dental office referred us to another oral surgeon who was maybe 15 minutes away. But knowing in the afternoon, the traffic gets awfully bad, we would have to risk going there. So, I called two days ago to set up an appointment for anything late in the afternoon. Nothing! Everything was early in the morning. I didn’t set up an appointment. I told the receptionist that I wanted to involve my son with the decision, yes, even with setting up an appointment. I respect his request to avoid pulling him out of school if it could be prevented.
Somewhere along this, when his braces were done, my hubby remembered [I should say God made him remember?] that…that particular office [my son's orthodontist place which was 5 minutes away] offered a dental plan. So, off he went [to my son’s orthodontist office and the dental office was right there, too]. Yes!!! God approved that plan. We just need to pay $80 [covers the whole year] and for the procedure? Check this out! $17 and a few cents! For the 4 teeth that needed to be extracted. God is sooooooooo good! And why did I blog about it? Because I want to thank Him and share this experience with you [though it might bore you]….And another lesson learned how important it truly is…to wait for His perfect timing. Patience…counts. And He does really love to give good gifts!!!
And since God brought you here to let you know that He can turn “gold teeth” into “iron” [as nothing is impossible with Him], would you please pray for my son who is having this procedure this Friday, the 12th. What’s another awesome thing about it? He doesn’t have school this Friday. It is a holiday. Then, he has 2 days [weekends] to rest. So, hopefully, he can still train by Monday with the rest of his tennis team. To God be the glory! Even if He doesn’t answer our petitions, just remain trusting in Him…Thank You Lord! For everything that You give us. Thank You Lord for making it known that You are here, actively working in our lives. You are here to help us out in times of need. May I never forget to praise You and thank You for the rest of my life. May I thank you even more during times of victories, when I'm on top of the mountains, when I'm filled with so many blessings. Knowing that it's not what I did. But because of what You did. Thank You for Who You are. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Thank You Lord!
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