“What? You think you can beat me up? Try me! Just try me! Mother______!!!”
He was new to the unit. Aware of the power he had. Despite being shorter than the man whose face, he purposely put in front of his own, merely an inch away, he just wanted to prove that he was much stronger.
“You think you can outdo me, huh?” the bragging voice continued, as he flexed his well-sculpted muscles on his arms. He spread his legs to get a better stance.
“You come here thinking you can still do what you want!!! Give me a break! This is my house, not yours! Welcome to my house!” shrieked the loud, deep voice.
The other man kept silent. His eyes opened wide, staring at the yeller eye to eye. He didn’t want to say anything, to avoid provoking the other man to hit him. Or perhaps, him even adding any offense to his previous charges.
Then suddenly....One…Two…Three…lots of punches and kicks came hard on the yeller. The tall shadow had enough hearing his bragging and perhaps, abuse of power. The man’s cellie [inmate who stay with another in the same cell] emerged from the inmate’s back and came lounging at the young, newly-hired deputy.
The call for help blared loud over the radio traffic. “Officer down!” was what lingered. Pairs of what seemed to be thousands of steps from other officers hurried to save the downed deputy. But it was too late. He was laying on the cold, cement floor, bloodied and unconscious.
The inmate who hit the deputy felt proud of what he did, proud of the fact that he was able to help his “cellie”, the man he considered as his new friend he met in that small, square cell. He was not afraid of what would happen to his case. He just wanted to let that deputy know that they couldn’t be treated that way and that, if a friend was in need, he was there! He wanted to prove that his friendship, despite them being inmates, could be loyal.
Finding true friendships are rare in this world. How do we recognize someone’s potential to become our friend? We often go by the same likes, dislikes, interests, passion, etc.
But a true friendship takes time to develop. It takes time to share special memories and investing time with each other’s growth. Trust is a necessary factor to make it a long-lasting relationship. Along with trust, comes faithfulness and reliability. Genuine friendship is all about sticking with each other in any kind of weather. Real friendship is about the readiness to forgive despite the hurt caused by the other, having unconditional love for each other and being dependable when crisis arise.
God told us that “a friend sticks closer than a brother.” It’s not about finding friends…It’s about becoming one.
Are you in need of a friend? God desires us to be His friend. And as we tend to know Him and have a trusting relationship, He wants us to befriend others.
This world is in deep need of acceptance, friendship, and love. We are to be God’s representatives to make others know about His faithful and unconditional love, for His gift of forgiveness, and His awesome friendship!
Don’t you worry, whatever prideful things this world shows in your face, God is always with us to protect us and never to forsake us at times of danger and needs. Are you a friend of God?
Musical Instrument Museum
1 day ago