2 nurses are leaving. 1, in fact, already left. You would think, "Who, in the earth would do that?" when we know that we are all facing a tough economic times. Where job is very scarce and those that still have it, are still uncertain of its stability. I'm not saying that they're not thankful for what they have, but I know that the reason is not job-related. Not the kind of work we do. But it's the people they work with. Personalities clash. Ideas differ. Compromise not known. Pride fueled by self-expertise and power collide. The other: complaints of her "SOS" messages seemed to be ignored. Needing an extra hand with tasks that are becoming too much for just one nurse was her simple 9-1-1 message. She got burned out. Left with only one choice, she opted to put in her resignation.
This is reality. Changes in this world abound. And we have no control, whether we admit it or not.
This Thanksgiving, I am going to remain thankful. And in every day that comes. Because "hope" was paid for long time ago by the greatest sacrifice. No matter what changes occur, I know I have chosen to follow Jesus, Who does not change.
As I sample the turkey, mashed potato and whatever else will be on my plate, I want this to take me back to those times, where people realized that all the blessings they received were given by God. Those who had gone first and met a lot of obstacles on their paths, only to realize that they were not truly alone and had divine guidance, protection, provision and other blessings.
Remembering God's faithful love, then I pray for "pride" from people's hearts to crumble. For personalities to unite despite the differences. For ideas to be embraced and respected to avoid confrontations. For compromises to be known that all disputes are settled.
I pray for people to realize God's greatest blessing to humanity: "to have the privilege of being born again because of what Jesus had done." This is a priceless inheritance. Pure. Undefiled. Beyond the reach of change and decay. This is my greatest encouragement in times of trouble. Amidst the constant and unpredictable changes in my journey. That no matter what step I take, I live with this wonderful expectation of eternal life.
Giving thanks to God...It is just the right thing to do...Thank You God! Thank You Jesus!
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