“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to hurt you…,” she uttered on the other end of the line, “But the noodles didn’t taste good. They were kind of stale, I think.”
I barely knew her. We just started talking from work. Learning each other’s cultures and different customs, we hungered for more. Every night, our phones were busy. Learning more. Encouraging each other from the same frustrations we encountered at the hospital where we both worked. We started exchanging foods. I gave her some of the noodles I made. And when I asked her if she liked it, the words above were her answer.
You would think it would hurt the first time I heard that. But I knew then, I found an honest friend. Funny how back in elementary schools, or high schools or college days, how often I would say “this is my best friend.” Not realizing what a “best friend” truly meant. But as I entered many seasons in this life’s journey, going through many friendships, I had learned that it wasn’t having many friends that would make me feel fulfilled nor happy. I could only have one friend and that would mean everything to me. To find that rare friend who would be honest enough to tell me if I had lipstick on my teeth. Or that an outfit didn’t really look good on me. Not that she is being judgmental but knowing that she wants the best for me. That what hurts me hurts her. That what makes me happy makes her smile, too. It’s knowing that whether it’s the ups or downs of life I’m going through, I know she is there with me, never leaving my side. A true friend who cares enough to know if something is bothering me when my face and voice shows sadness or frustrations. A true friend who shared tears with me when I lost my parents. Yes, I know what it means now to say “I found my best friend”…“Actions speak louder than words,” she used to tell me many times. And I know now how true it is! Someone can say “I love you” yet does not show loving actions. Someone will say “I’ll be there for you” but really is nowhere when a crisis comes. Or how someone can easily ask “How are you?” but deep inside is not truly concerned.
That person who told me she didn’t like the noodles I gave is now my best friend. Best friend in this life where I have to weather so many storms, yet, she is there for me. I rejected her once by not acknowledging her extension to make friendships. “Actions speak louder than words.” She never gave up. Until she broke the barrier of mistrust I created in my heart from previous hurtful relationships in my life. Her actions were to continue to believe in me. She kept calling me, brushing off my ignorance. She kept believing that there is goodness in my heart. And if she gave up on my aloofness, I wouldn’t have known how much I would have lost.
God gives us special friends at a special time in our lives. That is another faith marker for me. That He gives us friends to encourage us, comfort us, accepts us no matter what flaws we have and who will believe in us, the way He does.
“Actions speak louder than words…” It’s all actions that Jesus did to prove how much He loves humanity. He spoke about a loving God, walking many miles to let hurting people know. He prayed. He healed. He performed miracles. He carried a heavy cross and gave His life to save us. “Actions speak louder than words.” It’s so easy to profess we are Christians. God demands obedience when we choose to follow Him. “Actions speak louder than words”…Walk the talk!
"17If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." ~ 1John 3:17-18 [NIV]
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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