“Next!” I slightly yelled for the next arrestee on line. There was a line piling up on the male side of the prison’s Intake as I worked there last Saturday night. They would line up after being searched by the deputies. As they arrived from different cars: Sheriff's, Highway Patrol, City Cops... Except they couldn’t come in, into my small clinic, until their arresting cop was right there by the door. Before they could see me and be interviewed by me.
“How come you have bruises on your left arm?”
“It’s the cops! They did something to it!” a drunk male whispered, as he slowly rotated his left shoulder. The smell of alcohol reeked inside that small room and I held my breath.
“I think my shoulder hurt, too. I don't know what the cops did to me,” he whined.
Checking his charges really quick, I uttered, “Sir, you were arrested because you had a fight with your spouse. Am I correct?”
He just scratched his head. Didn’t say anything.
“In case, you end up staying in the jail, you may put a sick call request though. If your shoulder or the bruises start bothering you. Okay?”
"Tell me the truth. Lay it all out. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to help you with your medical condition if you don't tell me what truly happened."
He just whispered a soft “thank you”. The cop was smiling at me. He knew that I caught him lying. For blaming the authorities when he was injured fighting with his spouse. He tried to resist their arrest.
“Next!”….I yelled as I was wondering what the next case would be. The arresting cop stood by the door and called his arrestee to sit down in front of me.
God has been calling “next!” to each of us. He wants us to approach His room of mercy. But we couldn’t approach Him without the Cop standing before us. We can only approach God’s mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. No one else. No other means.
At the end of the road? Don't know where to go in your life's journey? Tell him the truth!
Hooked up on drugs and other illegal substances? Give it to Him.
Tired of trials and heavy loads? Give it to Him!
Lay down your pride...Be still...Listen to His call!
“Now let me address all of you, high and low, rich and poor, one with another, to accept of mercy and grace while it is offered to you; Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation; and will you not accept it, now it is offered unto you?” - George Whitefield
[On the side note, I said I was busy! I am! But glory to God for giving me time and strength to do everything today and still be able to write for Him. Thank You Lord and thank You that through Jesus, we are able to come boldly before Your throne of grace. I love You Lord!]….
Okay, precious friends...Gotta' go again and may you all have a wonderful day and be strong in the Lord's mighty power. Always ask for His protection in everything that you do. If I have time later, I will try to visit you and maybe we can all have coffee? God bless you all!
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
Spring is Here6 days ago
New Life.1 week ago
Peace2 months ago
Keeping My Faith in Tact!1 year ago
Relating to another's struggles5 years ago
End of an Era5 years ago
My Valley of Achor: A Sacred Journey5 years ago
What I Learned This Summer 20195 years ago
THE GOD WHO SEES5 years ago
Slice of Life6 years ago
Blog trouble9 years ago
HAPPY NEW YEAR!9 years ago
Summoned Home9 years ago
Dakota Lee10 years ago
No More January Blues10 years ago
In Remembering........10 years ago
Pressure11 years ago
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At Work13 years ago
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Sweetness16 years ago