“I pray thee, O God, that I may be beautiful within.” - Socrates
I always try to help our LVN’s when “Accucheck” time comes on days that I’m working. Usually, that’s the time when we, nurses, get done transcribing doctor’s orders. I like helping on the female side, as there are so many male diabetics on the other part of the Infirmary. I do that so that the deputy does not have to supervise the females and he can help out where he is needed the most: on the male side.
Female diabetics come, marching in a row. Some are walking fast, some are slow. I can’t help but notice that some of them are looking more feminine. Because they know how to improvise and create make-up for their faces. Some use the ink from pens as their eyeliner. Others use coffee to use as their eyeshadow. Vaseline for their lips to make it shine as if they just applied a glossy lip gloss. I heard one time from another inmate during sick call that they wet the magazines and could get the ink from there to use as lipstick for their lips.
Doing so, what’s called “fake-up”, surely does make their appearance better. But I often wonder if they are fully aware of the environment they’re in and what brought them here at the prison. They can change their outside appearance so well using the simplest things available and even beyond one’s imagination, because of their creativity, but what matters should be the inner change. For true beauty comes from the inside. When make up bleeds or gets rubbed off, it just proves that these things on the outer part do not last. If they don't get that opportunity to change what's inside, then, they are still prone to committing crimes once released.
Many are deceived by what we see through the media or by what we hear, that an outer beauty is just something great to possess. With the invention of a lot of photo editing softwares, how true are these ads that we see that highlights the outer physical traits?
“Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.” - 1 Peter 3:3-4 [ESV]
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