Hanging On To The End Of The Rope

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I feel that my body is not the same anymore. The numerous tasks I used to do in one day, now takes a lot of days, one thing at a time. I mowed the lawn last Wednesday and the back part of my upper rib [close to my shoulder] got achy. Thinking I just got tired from holding the edger, the achy sensation would just go away. But it still comes on and off. My husband knows I’m stubborn when it comes to doing this chore. I enjoy it despite the neck injury I had few years ago.

If this achy feeling on my neck and shoulders don’t go away, I might just have to see my doctor. Don’t you know that nurses are the “worst kind” of patients, diagnosing self and coming up with horrendous medical conditions? If arthritis is setting in, this wouldn’t be fun. I visited my friend last night and went home with medicated patches on my elbows and right shoulder, used for arthritic kind of pain or for sprains/strains. I was glad my hubby and child were sleeping when I got home or else they would have smelled my new perfume that had the aroma of “pain relieving cream.”

So, if you don’t mind me asking you, friends/spiritual warriors to pray for me and for the Lord to heal this ailment. Working nights for 20 years, I know it will take a toll sometime on me. But I always enjoy the night shift. I was just meant to be a night owl.

I’m just asking the Lord to give me more time to be able to raise up my child until he’s steady on his own. I know that in this life’s journey, sufferings seem to be more abundant. But we are not to be afraid. When God adopted us into His family, He gives us what He gave to Christ. “But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.” - Romans 8:17

If we are facing any trials, no matter how hopeless they may seem, feeling like we’re dangling at the end of the rope sometimes, let us remember that even if we are tired and feeling like we’re going to fall from hanging on or even feel like just letting go of the knot, we are not to lose hope. God promised to be there always and He will be there to catch us when we fall.

Suffering from sickness? Give it to God. From financial troubles? Hand it over to Him. Other worries? He’s waiting for you to give it to Him. Because all of them are already paid for by Jesus! Done! Over!

“But if we look forward to something we don’t have yet, we must wait patiently and confidently.” - Romans 8:25

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress. For we don’t even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” - Romans 8:26-28

All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.


