Two of us found the inmate downed on the floor yesterday. The inmates were about to eat breakfast, when this man all of a sudden fell forward. He must have gotten dizzy. He fell like a tree. His face was on the floor, the body slightly twisted, with his pale arms out. A pool of blood was visible where his head landed. Fear gripped both of us, nurses, thinking at first, that he had sustained a severe head injury. But he was alert and was answering appropriately.
“Don’t move!” I commanded as he tried to go back to a neutral position. The other nurse requested one of the deputies to hold his head firmly to prevent it from being moved around. It was difficult for us to apply the neck brace with the pool of blood sitting on the way. I found a deep gash under his chin and I knew, the blood came from that and that there was a possibility now that he must have loosened his teeth. I applied a dressing and we just called for the ambulance to send him out. And when they came, the man was put on a board and was taken immediately to the county’s ER.
The deputies who saw the amount of blood looked disgusted as they saw it. They knew this man was hurt awfully bad with that fall.
“I have never seen anything like that amount of blood in a while!” commented one. I wasn’t saying anything, as was with the other nurse. We were both just trying to comfort the downed inmate.
Blood…Same blood shed by Jesus…Yet, no one was disgusted at that time he was crucified. The same people screaming “Hosanna!” when Jesus entered Jerusalem were the same ones screaming “crucify him!” to Pilate, few days later. Even though he wasn’t found guilty of any crimes. He was flogged, spat on, his head crowned with prickly thorns and was crucified. Jesus, yes, Jesus, not a criminal….bled to death…
But people didn't know that it was blood…was God’s plan to become the atonement for humanity’s sins. It was through His own Son’s blood that His forgiveness became available. Jesus’ blood became the sacrifice and made forgiveness of sins possible. We know now that blood gives life! How many times do you hear about blood donation drives as many hospitals are having low supply of blood to those needing transfusions who have injuries where they lost some good amount. It is the same with our Lord Jesus Christ. Through His blood, we gain eternal life!
“11 for the life of any creature is in its blood. I have given you the blood so you can make atonement for your sins. It is the blood, representing life, that brings you atonement.” - Leviticus 17:11
“For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” - Matthew 26:28
“In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” - Ephesians 1:7
“But now in Christ Jesus you once were far off have been made near by the blood of Christ.” - Ephesians 2:13
Are you like those people and Pilate who never stood up for what was right? We are like Pilate when we know what is right but decide not to do it. Have you accepted Jesus into your heart and believe that He truly died on the cross to save you from your sins? Your right decision might have unpleasant consequences but I guarantee you, that life with Jesus, you will be forever changed! Being "saved" means you realize you're a sinner and that there is nothing you can do on your own to save yourself. It is only by God's grace, through Christ's blood and your faith that saves you. If you understand this, there is a prayer on my side bar you can pray and with the right condition of your heart, pray that out loud....Receive God's forgiveness today...Receive the life giving power of His blood!
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