Thank You Lord for Your wonderful, faithful, everlasting love. Thank You for Your mercy. We hurt You many, many times, yet You always readily forgive us when we turn to You. Who is like that among us Lord? None..."For Your ways and thoughts are higher than ours".
I choose to seek You. I choose to receive Your love. I choose Your forgiveness. I choose to believe in You. I choose to have faith and trust only in You. I choose to sing this song You had given me in my heart. I choose to love You.
Thank You Lord for always carrying me whether I'm in troubling times or not. Thank You for saving me. Thank You for reaching out Your hand to me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Deuteronomy 10:21 - "He is your God, the one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done mighty miracles that you yourselves have seen."
You, Oh Lord Jesus
Lord, I give my heart to You
Lifting up my hands to praise and thank You
Sometimes I have no words to say
But I know You’re here with me, come what may…..oh Lord
You… saved me
And You…healed me
You…..carry me
And You….love me….oh Jesus…
Jesus, I trust in You
No one else loves me the way You do
On the cross You died for all
You call us friends if we choose to believe in You…Oh Jesus…
[repeat Chorus]…
~ rcubes 8/20/09 1322hrs.