I couldn’t wait until this day comes that I am writing about my son’s healing. The waiting period was long and often times, painful but I’m so glad, it’s all over!
His doctor gave him this whole week to just rest and regain his strength back. He doesn’t have any more headaches. The dizziness was gone. He started eating with what seemed to be his normal appetite yesterday. Bad for me! Because I’m eating with him! I didn’t even realize I had lost weight because when he was in pain, I forgot to eat.
When it comes to our children, it is always hard to see them suffer. I told him if there was a way I could take that pain away, I would. But sometimes, we all go through that trial, because that’s when we realize that we are truly in need of God. And that, when he is healed, even better for him not to forget God especially during the good times.
My son had gone through so much with all the pain and the medical tests but he remained patient and learned to endure. He never complained nor whined. I feel so blessed to see him prayed at times, which gave me comfort in return. And which reminded me, that no matter what happened at that time, the Lord was always just a “prayer” away.
And this trial made us, three, even more close to each other. Even if we are aware that our lives are like flickering candles, the more we value each day that the Lord gives…Don’t forget to hug your children, give them a kiss, and say “I love you” over and over. Same with your spouses. Live each day as if it’s your last…because that will help you focus on what matters the most….
So, this post is to thank you all who prayed for us as we met this bump on this road. We appreciate your love and friendships. And most of all, all the thanks and praise to our Father Who hurts Himself when His children are suffering. He knows…He’s been there before. His suffering that none of us had experienced…And He submitted Himself to be nailed on the cross out of love for us….Thank You Jesus…
May we remain prayerful, not only when we have hurdles to overcome…but in all occasions. Let's keep those who are also in need of prayers because when we agree together, He is surely in the midst of us...God bless you all and love to you all.
Musical Instrument Museum
1 day ago