“They still need a little bit more time,” he answered.
“Aww…They’re sweet! I ate one this morning!” I replied with a little disappointment.
We had bought a few dwarf fruit trees few years ago, when we just moved in into this house we’re living in now. One of them was this gala apple tree. The first time it bore fruits, I was hooked. The fruits were sweet, every bite echoed a crispy, refreshing sound.
And in every bite came the bittersweet reality that took me back to the garden of Eden, when our great [thousands of “great”] Grandma Eve chose to disobey God by taking those risky bites from that fruit.
I must say I should be angry with Eve for doing that. Thanks to her, I had tasted what “pain” meant to give birth to a child. And my hubby working hard to make ends meet?
Now, who knows what kind of apple she ate and Adam ate. But what matters to me now is the truth that God truly loves humanity so much that He sent Jesus down here, the true Vine. And any fruit that clings to this Vine and remains on this Vine will truly live. What’s amazing with this Tree, is that even though I’m not a grape, He grafted me. And so if you are a peach, lemon, cherry, whatever fruit, you are invited to cling to this Vine. But don’t you brag about it!
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit— fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” - John 15:16
To be a part of this vine, it’s just impossible to be united with God and remain ignorant of Him. And especially, not to show or manifest His own attribute - which is love.
“4Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.5"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”- John 15:4-5
Remaining is not simply to just believe in Jesus. It is to be in union with Him. To know more about Him and to know more about Jesus is to know more about the things of God, for Jesus is the complete representation of God. To remain in Him brings the deepest fulfillment and deepest joy in our lives. But to some, “obedience” means conforming to societal rules. But to Jesus, “obedience” means conforming to the Father Who is the Source of love. If there is no joy in us, then maybe we need to consider how much we know Jesus.
If you are that kind of fruit that continues to reject the invitation to be “grafted” into the Vine, it’s fortunate that God’s response is always to pursue you with love.
So, what kind of fruit are you? Producing on your own or are you willing to remain in the Vine? How great it must be to see every church becoming a beautiful garden in this world, instead of a lone retreat.
Before you take that bite from whatever fruit you’re eating, think about it….