I can’t believe it had been 20 years now, since I said goodbye to my husband, who was my boyfriend at that time, and was in the USS Missouri, off to go to the Persian Gulf War.
Lots of mixed emotions and thoughts swirled in my mind. But more of questions. Of “what if’s”. Of fears. Of sadness. Of tears. Many days went by with only prayers sustaining me with strength and hope. That one day. He would come back and return here safe. And by the grace of God, he did return. Unharmed. But a changed man. Changed by a torpedo that almost hit their carrier. Intercepted by an ally.
Changed by the many sleepless nights he was on alert, along with other comrades to watch for mines scattered in the vast, open sea. Changed by the letters we exchanged that got piled up as delivery wouldn’t be that easy. Their locations, most of the time, unknown. Changed by the tomahawks fired towards the enemy.
Changed by the many, many days that turned into months and years that we were physically apart.
He is not working with the US Navy anymore. But he continues to work to fight against terrorism. To you, my hubby, I give you my sincerest gratitude for all the sacrifice you did. Not only for your family but for all of us who enjoys this freedom we have. And my “thank you” to all of you who are serving in the military. For those of you, their families, who sacrificed also. To let go of a soldier to a mission with no time frame. It is not easy. But through their sacrifices, we remain free. May we remain honoring those who had given their lives because they never compromised. And because of that...we are free.
While many do not support war, sometimes, war is necessary to keep sinful people away from harming those innocent ones. War is indeed terrible. But sometimes, it is necessary to prevent greater evil. As Christians, the most important thing we can do is to pray for those serving in the military, those who fight against terrorism, and also for their families. Their spouses. Their children. Their parents. Whose hearts end up with a big hole every time a soldier leaves on a mission. Let’s pray for their safety. For God’s wisdom to guide our leaders.
“...a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” - Ecc.3:8
May God bless all of you who sacrifice your life to preserve our freedom!!!
Musical Instrument Museum
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