“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.” – Robert Francis Kennedy
Being put on a forced leave did not worry me a bit. However, I miss my work, the stuff I used to do behind the prison walls. I missed some of my co-workers who I discerned to be truly caring. I miss assessing and prioritizing when it comes to the needs of the inmates seeking medical treatments. I miss reading and applying the orders of doctors from our medical and mental department and enter them in the computer.
Since my battle began against some people who were sitting in higher positions, I was never afraid. I knew I had no option but to face them. At first, I didn’t know why, but now as I learned to wait and endure, I was even glad that it did happen. Despite the injustices I was being treated with, I knew that those people and I needed to learn something from these evil intentions and acts.
Waiting is hard but it is always present in any trials we encounter. It seems to give us time to reflect on what and what we must not do or say. I’m grateful that God’s timetable is not the same of this world’s.
“But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.” – 2 Peter 3:8 (NLT)
“I think I have all the info’s I need for now,” remarked the person on the other line.
“Thank you for calling me back so soon,” I replied.
The moment this battle began, it drove me to His feet. I gave it all to Him Who promised for us to give all of our cares to Him for He cares for us. But I know that I must confront this injustice at the same time. I know I must face this “what they thought would make me afraid” selfish acts. Yesterday was one of those steps I took to defend myself...But I am not angry anymore. I know that once, I was foolish like them. I know I was selfish like them. I desired none but the world’s riches. Money, Power, Prestige, Etc…Riches that cannot be brought to His world…
In His perfect time, all these lies would be exposed under His light. In His perfect time, this story would be told for His glory. For now, I know deep in my heart, God is working behind the scene to bring this injustice to justice. He is after all, God of justice.
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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