Lord, I just want to devote this time to reflect on Your enduring and faithful love. My blogging is all about You, not about me. Thank You Lord for a wonderful family Your children belong to. No matter what we do, no matter where we are, Your love bridges the distances between our hearts. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that keeps us, bloggers, united in Your Holy Name. Please bless my wonderful brothers and sisters blogging for Your glory. Direct our words Lord that it is You Who always shines in our writing. Fan the flames in our hearts so that we may continue to seek You first in everything that we write about. Not only that, in other areas of our lives as well.
Thank You Father for the connection here in blogosphere. Through that, we are able to encourage each other, help carry each other’s burden through prayers, rejoice during happy times, share laughter during fun times and be able to lend each other’s shoulders to cry on during the times we feel afraid, beaten, discouraged, alone and weak.
Thank You Father for the connection here in blogosphere. Through that, we are able to encourage each other, help carry each other’s burden through prayers, rejoice during happy times, share laughter during fun times and be able to lend each other’s shoulders to cry on during the times we feel afraid, beaten, discouraged, alone and weak.
Forgive me Lord for my sins. Forgive me for the things I do or I say that do not glorify You. Help me Lord to grow in Your likeness. Do a heart surgery on me Father.
I ask You O Lord to heal the sick, comfort the grieving, to give Your strength to those who are weak, to lend Your divine wisdom to us who need Your direction. Remove anything that hinders our walk with You. Please protect us, our families, friends, and even our blogs against the works of the enemies. Give us the discernment to know if anything is not from You.
Thank You Lord for all of Your blessings. Thank You for Who You are. Thank You for Your greatest attribute – love. Help us fill ourselves with Your love so that we may be able to love others unconditionally.
Open the hearts and the minds of those who don’t know You. That through our writing, may many stumble on our sites and will come to know Your offer of salvation because of what we share. I love You Lord. But thank You for loving us first. Thank You for the wonderful day today, seeing Your creations all around us so that we have no excuse to not believe in You for everything points out to You. And You creating us in Your image, forming us in our mother’s womb with Your loving hands, You are just there from the very beginning. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. To You be the glory forever and ever. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.