This week had been rough for my son. Since started getting sick on Saturday, he was still feeling some mild headaches and a little bit of dizziness...Him getting sick this way was not a new thing for him, having allergy symptoms here and there. But his headaches seemed to be more intolerable yesterday and was he good about trying to be calm about it.
When the over the counter pain medication did not help, his headaches got worse at bedtime last night. When you're a mom seeing the suffering of your child, you just want to help out in any way you can...I dressed him up, woke my hubby up and found ourselves on the road that would take us to the nearest ER.
Trying to overcome my weariness and some sleepless nights caring for him, my hubby was so good, too about it all, helping in any way he could. We uttered a prayer before leaving the house, despite my son's soft cries of pain.
I was not going to write about this. But as I heard the song "Word of God Speaks" today from the radio station I listened to, I felt the Lord telling me, to tell about this incident. You see, that moment, I realized blogging was about what God always does in our lives as we live it daily. Whether we are facing a calm or stormy weather, this is how we realize God's goodness in everything that we do.
The door in ER was non-stop, opening, closing. Many ill people walking in, interrupted by those ambulances unloading their own sick ones they had attended to. The noise was overwhelming. As my son tried to sit still and patiently waited for his turn to be called and be treated.
"I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice"
"Mom! I can't stand it anymore! He softly cried."
"I know. Be patient. Remember we can lift up everything in prayers. How about we pray for their hurried service so that they can call you and be seen now?"
He started throwing up. As my heart was hurting and that of my husband's too. Then, some relief came and he became calm. As soon as we prayed for them to call my son, a man dressed up in scrubs walked into the door and was asking for my son's name. But I knew it wasn't over yet. The waiting would continue inside...
"God...Just be with us...Be with our son...I am at a loss for words right now Lord. But I know You know what we are feeling. What we are going through. I know Your wonderful promises and I know that You will be there for us, no matter what happens. I am placing my trust in You O Lord..."
"I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say"
To make the story short, the doctor saw my son and didn't think it was anything serious. He ordered a CT scan and it was normal. The whole time, we were praying in between. Because we all knew, it was not in our hands...It was in His...
And we all go through these different journeys, of trying to weather the severest storms in our lives. We blog about our lives. We blog to ask for prayers...We make friendships...And through it all, we know that God is working in us, for us and through us. He is reminding us that His hand is always stretched out, reaching for us, no matter where we are, no matter how deep we have fallen...All we need to to reach up to Him and never let go...Amidst the busyness, the confusion, the noises in this world, be still and know that He is with us...
"Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak"
Isaiah 55:11 - " is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" [NIV]
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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