"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Out of the stillness of the short respite my husband and I both had prior to retiring to bed last night, the silence was broken as I popped a question to my husband, who used to be in the Navy and had served in the Persian Gulf War [August 2, 1990-February 28, 1991].
"How do you feel, as a Veteran, every time we celebrate Independence Day or now, this coming holiday, Veteran's Day?"
Not seeing his glance as I was sitting on the recliner, hidden from his sight that was concentrating on the glowing monitor, I heard a short stammer...Perhaps, he started to wonder why after so many years, I had asked that specific question.
I didn't know the reason either. Except that I knew I wanted to know the soldiers' perspectives. We know what they all go through. We know what their families go through. All the sacrifices both have to make. I know...Because I've been there...Except that's what I know. I wanted to know how it felt coming from a soldier. From a veteran. Whom do I have but my own husband when this thought came to mind?
How do they feel when here I am, enjoying each beautiful day, calm and sipping my Starbucks favorite drinks while they are out in a foreign land, staying alert, with anxiety in different levels, anticipating to defend and preserve their own lives against those unwanted or unexpected attacks from the enemies? Have they even thought of taking a drop of water to quench those thirsts and soothe their parched lips?
What are the thoughts in their minds, as I rest in my favorite recliner, watching tv programs, as they are huddled close, deep in those foxholes their own hands must have dug, yet do not offer a permanent safety?
What goes on in their hearts as I enjoy this personal liberty wherever I go in this land, in which they are trying to protect from oppressors?
Or how their hearts must be breaking as they think of their separated and loved ones far away from them as I enjoy my time with my family?
And how they must endure to be dressed in those heavy camouflage battle gear yet here I am whining whether it's too hot or too cold?
And yes, here I am looking good, holding my Bible, as they go out there, with rifles and ammo's on their hands, with fingers ready to fire if enemies appear?
"Sad....", my husband answered.
"Sad?" I repeated to make him explain and satisfy my growing hunger to search for more answers.
"Yeah...Sad...'Coz many lives have been lost every time," he softly uttered.
"So, you're against the war?"
"I didn't say that. If it's necessary to defend, we have to do that....But I'm sad that many lives, sometimes, are being lost and some are unnecessary losses," he replied with a sad tone and there, I decided I had been answered enough. That my search for an answer was over.
I got the point dearest husband. I got it! That we have to fight for this freedom if necessary. We know the risks of losing lives but we must to protect this precious liberty. Because freedom is not free. Oh yes....It even happened long time ago. Even before we were all born. As it was planned. That Jesus would come to die. To give us freedom. And many are being persecuted also because of our faith in Him. But we must stand confident in the truth that God has shared with us, believers. No matter what circumstances around us. No matter what others say. We know the TRUTH....
Veteran's Day is coming up. And every year, it will be celebrated. Like July 4th. And every time, lives are being risked and lost. How do I honor them? These veterans and soldiers? All of them? I had spent a couple of hours searching for tribute videos but now I know, no amount of tribute videos will show how much I want to honor them.
"Thank you," I softly uttered to my husband and I wasn't sure if he heard me as he went back to typing something on the keyboard.
I know I can start by saying a simple "Thank you!"...And I can go on further by including them in my prayers...Not only on these holidays...But in each day that is to come.
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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