My son stayed up late last night to study some more prior to his Math test today. He is in an advanced class and I don't even know how to solve for some of his problems when I take a peek at times. [Thank God, He willed for me to become a nurse, instead of an architect or engineer...I don't like "NUMBERS!!!"]. This morning, hard working as he's been, he woke up early, ate breakfast and left early so, together with other classmates, they went to see their Math teacher who always patiently does extra teaching for an hour, before the morning bells ring at 09:00 a.m. He helps students understand whatever is confusing for them so that they will do better every time a test is given. I salute Mr. T's effort and his extra diligence to make his students learn!
When the bell rang at 3:10p.m. signifying the end of the school hours, I turned on the car's engine and waited for my son to come out of the gate, where I usually pick him up. He looked tired or something! When he came into the car, in a sad tone of voice, he told me, "Mom, I don't know how I did because the test was so hard!" My heart was just breaking to even hear him say that, feeling his uncertainty with the outcome of this test.
Going through my own failures in this life's journey, I thank God for the wisdom that rushed to my mind instantly. I told my son, "It's okay. Whether you will pass or fail, daddy and I don't expect you to ace the test all the time. There will come a time that sometimes, you will also fail. But what's important to us, is that we both know how hard you have worked for it and how hard you studied." "It's just different if we know that you are not putting any effort and then for sure, you will fail! If you do fail in today's test, it's okay. You try to learn from whatever mistakes you will have and learn from them. Maybe study harder next time? Or if there is a confusing formula, you can relearn. Just relax. You owe it to yourself."
The tensed, sad puppy eyes beamed with relief and he started to breathe a little better. Deep inside my heart and mind, I was quietly speaking with my "Parent" Who understands all the time when I go through my own failures in life. And He's always the First One to tell me to get up again when I fall, to try to smile after bawling out, and to relax after a nerve-wracking storm had just gone by."
Yes, my Parent comforted me first, so now, I can comfort my own child. Thank You, heavenly Daddy!
Proverbs 24:16 -"They may trip seven times, but each time they will rise again."
Matthew 7:24, 25 -"Anyone who listens to My teaching and obeys Me is wise, like a person who builds a house on a solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse, because it is built on rock."
Psalm 37:23, 24 -"The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand."
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