I glanced at the name on the chart and realized I saw him earlier this month. I volunteered to see him so that way, I would know if he was truly weaker somewhere.
Coming through the Clinic’s door, he walked with the usual slight limp on the right leg [He had been claiming he had a stroke when he was 28 yrs. Old. But the last CT scan was negative]. Otherwise, I didn’t see any weakness or any signs of distress. When I was asking him some questions, he started getting teary-eyed and some tears finally flowed during my interrogation.
“How have you been? I had put you to be seen by the doctor after I saw you the last time. What happened then?”
“Nothing. He just checked this, checked that [as he motioned his hand in front of his face, so I felt his neurologic status was checked by the doctor] and still, nothing was done.”
“Sir, remember what I had told you, anytime that you feel that there is something getting worse, put a sick call slip so nurses can see you during sick calls.”
“But nothing is happening. I feel that the doctor is not doing anything. I think I am weaker on my right side. Can I have a job change or maybe not even work in the kitchen?” [as tears started falling this time].
“Honestly speaking, I didn’t notice any difference from the last time I saw you. However, that was my concern was if it was okay for you to work in kitchen. That was the main reason why I wanted the doctor to evaluate you. Your vital signs are okay, which is a good thing. I did notice something though, you seem to be more emotional.”
“Yes, I don’t know why.” [eyes turned more red and more tears fell].
“Are you frustrated because of this? And not knowing what steps the medical doctor is doing to help you with your condition?”
“Yup. You’re right. I feel like they’re not listening to me. So, that’s why I don’t want to put any other requests to be seen by you because they [doctor] won’t do anything anyway.”
“Sir, I can truly understand where you’re coming from. But let me tell you one thing. It’s not like the doctor is not doing anything. I had reviewed your chart before you came down here. I noticed that they did order a CT Scan. I can’t let you know when it’s gonna’ be. But not until the result is obtained, then, they can’t do anything further at this time. The doctor will base his treatment option depending on that result.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks for letting me know, Ma’am.”
“But would you like to be seen by mental health services if you feel like you’re more emotional. Are you depressed? Do you feel like hurting yourself?”
“Yes, I feel more sad but no! I don’t want to hurt myself [tears stopped at this time].”
“I prefer for you to still see the doctor today. I’m really concerned if you need to be working in kitchen because of the slight weakness in your right side. I’m also going to give you a 2-days off-work status. That way, you’re not working until the doctor has evaluated you. I will also put a request for a Mental Health Clinician to talk with you in your unit. I want to ask you to learn how to be more patient and have more faith in our doctor, okay? There are so many of you he’s seeing and following and yes, he is doing something to help you out. Sometimes, it just doesn’t happen in your time frame because the hospital is tied up, too with the appointments for CT scans or other tests that the doctor is requesting to better diagnose your condition.”
“Ma’am, thank you so much! Okay, I believe he’ll do something.”
“No! Not he will..” “He is…”

Aren’t we all like him? We tend to focus on our problems, needs, worries, fears and anxieties, instead of focusing on Jesus, ONLY on Jesus.
Sometimes, we think God doesn’t care for us when our prayers are not answered. We think He’s too busy to listen to our pleas. He is not interested with our requests. Have we forgotten that if God created this complex universe, won’t He be able to be involved with the many, many lives He created in the first place?
When we focus on Jesus, we will not be distracted with the cares of this world. Our faith will keep on growing. Our trusts will be stronger knowing that His promises made to us are worth-remembering. God doesn’t change. [“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever,” –Hebrews 13:8].
When we focus on Jesus, we believe that everything is under His control. It’s not enough that we just believe that He can handle our problems, but we must also believe that He knows what’s best for us, even if the answers do not seem to go with what we are hoping for.
“It’s not He will do something with what we go through….He is….”
So, let us “focus on Jesus”.