It Always Brings Me To Tears
This song always brings me to tears. As I do so right now that I am typing my thoughts and worship Him this morning. Lately, the Lord has bringing to mind to "always look up to Him as He was nailed on that cross". Going through trials or not, I know He is reminding me of His faithful and unconditional love. Day after day. Like what He is doing now to me. He is reminding me that He gave His life for me [us] because He loved me [us]first. This morning, I felt like taking a blog break. And seek Him first in everything and surrender everything. I don't know at this time. I know where He wants me to go first. To be at the foot of the cross and "look up" to Him. Let His blood drip over me. Be cleansed. Be healed.
Friends, there is nothing more or less that we can do that will make our Lord love us more. He loves us. Period. We have received His gift of forgiveness. But it doesn't stop there. He wants us to look up to Him and be cleansed. Day after day. We need daily repentance. And submit everything to His Lordship.
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." - Philippians 4:8
Who is true? Honorable? Righteous? Pure? Lovely? Admirable? Excellent? Worthy of praise?
None but Jesus!!! Let us put Jesus into our minds.
O Lord, thank You for reminding me to look up to You on that cross. Like what that song said, You thought of us above all...Help us do the same. To focus our minds and hearts on You. Above all...Thank You for loving us first. Your cross...A plus [+] sign. That's what we get when we start living our lives with You. Everything is a plus. Thank You Lord for Your wisdom. Thank You Lord for Your guidance. Thank You Lord for Your healing. Thank You Lord for all Your provisions. Thank You Lord for Your love and mercy. I love You Lord.
Lord, I want nothing or no one else but You. Use me Lord and let Your will be done for the rest of my life's journey. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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