We will all have to pass through a difficult trek of loved ones' death, whether expectedly or not, or that of our own. It is the road we don't want to take but the truth is...it's inevitable.
My mother had passed away almost 9 years ago. I was truly devastated when I had to go back home, along with one of my brothers to be there and at the same time, be a support to my father [who also had passed away a little over a year ago]. It was a totally different scene back in my parents' house during my mother's wake. My eyes were blinded by the lights illuminating her peaceful and beautiful sleep-like state. But I wanted my mother, "the very own light in our home". Without her, our home feels just like a "house", dim and lifeless. I hated the smell of flowers around that seemed to announce her unexpected departure as someone walked in by the front door. No! I would rather smell her wondrous cooking whenever she prepared the delicious foods, whether it'd be our daily meals or a welcoming feasts to guests. I stared at the pair of cold lips that used to smile a whole lot and was always painted on her face. Her smiles were infectious and would always make you smile back. Oh how I longed for her warmest hugs and kisses, only to be hugged and greeted by people mourning with us...
When God had found me wandering aimlessly as I traveled and either made right or wrong choices in selecting the roads to take, God was the first One to comfort me and reassure me that everything would be okay in this unfamiliar road I had to walk on.
As we were about to bury our mother, there was a flashback in my mind about a caterpillar that needs to die before becoming a beautiful butterfly. I had never felt a sense of peace and relief until that moment as if God was hugging me and wiping my tears of sorrows. He has tremendous ways of showing His love and making His presence known in our hearts.
To me, this world is a big school with all of us as students. We all have to graduate someday but before doing so, we have to overcome a lot of learning experiences but in order to pass with flying colors, we must learn to unconditionally love others and do everything with love. We must look up to the Greatest Instructor Who will teach us things we don't know about. He will be there to constantly encourage us and give us His wisdom. So, it is our choice whether we want to learn from Him or not.
Isaiah 25:8 -"He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears."
Psalm 30:11,12 -"You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothe me with joy, O Lord my God, I will give You thanks forever!"
2 Corinthians 1:3 -"All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God Who comforts us."
Revelation 21:4 -"He will remove all of their sorrows and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain."