He Makes A Way

I am feeling bummed out right now after reading an email from work regarding the schedule I gave for my next availability. Let’s just say our spiritual enemies are truly trying their best in any way possible to steal the peace and joy in my heart. If nothing is happening to make my faith waver and if they see contentment in my heart, there has to be another thing or way that comes out that tries to always turn my world upside down.

But…I refuse to listen…This waiting period from God’s hands I know will reveal a much bigger purpose. This is a time of learning to endure, persevere, be strengthened and be drawn to His power and love. There are times when it is hard. It’s not because I don’t believe in Him but because I want to see justice stop some of the people from work abusing their authorities with the way they execute plans: to make themselves prosper more and to make others below them miserable.

I admit I’m tired. I can still be impatient with this battle I had been in for a little over a year now. But no matter what happens, even if I don’t know what the future holds…I trust that God will give me a way here in this desert.

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“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19

Would you please pray for me? I appreciate your visit and encouragement. God bless you all.

Father, at times that I feel so weak and vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks, remind me of the power that comes from You. Thank You for providing us with Your weapons for this battle is not mine but Yours. I ask of You to continue to mold me and draw me ever nearer to You. No matter what happens, I have this hope that never perishes because of what Jesus had done. Thank You Father for Your unconditional love. Please remove any obstacles in my path that hinders me from seeing that way You are providing for me. Please continue to guide me with Your divine wisdom and grant Your gift of discernment. Help me, Oh God to always readily forgive those who hurt me the way You have forgiven me many times.Thank You for Your everlasting kindness. Thank You that because of Your faithful promise, I know that “no weapon turned against me will succeed and that I will silence every voice raised up accusing me(Isa.54:17).” Thank You for Jesus’ righteousness that cover me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.


